1960s Social Change & Counter Culture
Social Change Significant improvements in the lives of – Minorities Hispanics African-Americans Gays Women Asians Native Americans
Mexican-Americans LULAC – League of United Latin American Citizens – Promoted education fought for desegregation – Set up English language classes in public schools La Raza Unida- Helped promote Hispanic candidates in local elections
United Farm Workers Cesar Chavez & Dolores Huerta Organized Farm Workers to protest for Better working conditions Higher pay Social reforms Used non-violent protest & boycotts
African-Americans The Civil Rights Movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King Already covered in DETAIL……
Women’s Liberation Feminism – was the belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men Betty Friedan ’ s – Feminine Mystique National Organization for Women (NOW) – fought against gender bias in hiring and in the workplace and pushed for child-care facilities
Asian-Americans Backlash and racism from the Vietnam War Asian American Political Alliance (AAPA) was founded at Berkley which unified Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Filipino activists Protested the Vietnam War and racism directed at Asians
Counter Culture
Hippie Culture
Helter Skelter Charles Manson led a hippie commune “the Manson family” First through love & understanding Then through LSD & torture. Do not think, only listen Committed a series of murders “Helter Skelter”. Did not kill anyone but went to jail through the joint responsibility rule. Actress Sharon Tate & her unborn baby murdered by the Manson family
Woodstock Set up for 50, ,000 showed up It showcased numerous bands that were or became icons in the music industry It was a mental and spiritual escape from the chaotic decade of the 1960s It signified a new generation taking control.
The Conservative Response Nixon, Agnew and J Edgar Hoover – expressed anger and concern over the counterculture – threat to traditional values Many saw the values as – immoral, – un-American, – Immature – irresponsible Conservatives presented their own solutions to crime and lawlessness