PACE Committee Report Hamid Vakilzadian Region 4 PACE Committee Chair Region Meeting, Detroit, MI, Jan. 23, 2010
What is the purpose of PACE? To help for professional development skills of the member by: –providing seed money to organize non technical workshops/conferences in the sections –Influencing technical policies of the government –Helping k-12 schools through various precollege activities –Helping employment of the members through employment and career services –Providing professional awareness for the students –Influencing certain issues in Congress such as more research funding, work visa, etc
PACE Committee Members Chair: Hamid Vakilzadian Pre-College Education – Will Kassebaum Employment and Career Services – Tarek Lahdhiri Government Activities –Steve Kerchberger Technical Policy Activities – Jim Fancher Student Professional Awareness – Kristi Brooks * Sections’ PACE Chair * Section chair, if a section doesn’t have a PACE Chair 18-Aug-153
2009 SPAC Activities Organization of S-PAC at Valparaiso (2/19/2009) Michigan State University (2/16/2009) University of Illinois (09/26/09) - Encouragement of Section Leader to reach out to Student Branches and include them in professional activities at section level SPAC = Student Professional Awareness Conference SPAVE = Student Professional Awareness Ventures SPAW = Student Professional Awareness Workshop
2009 Tech Policy Activities Energy Policy Setting priorities for energy policy activities Supporting construction of new nuclear generation. Supporting advanced nuclear R&D US participation in ITER (international work in controlled thermonuclear fusion) Communicating energy priorities to the new Administrations Communications Policy Broadband, RFID, Privacy issues Methods of improving spectrum utilization Cognitive radio.
2009 Tech Policy Activities At least 10 position statements At least 3 new white papers –Next generation internet –State of RFID implementation and its policy implications –National Water R&D Initiative At least 11 letters to appropriate legislative entities regarding specific issues Two symposia / briefings: –Health Care Interoperability Summit: Establishing Infrastructure for Health Assurance and Disease Prevention –Emerging technology of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and
Government Activities Active participation in monthly conference calls (Members: GAC for each Region and IEEE-USA Staff) Calls included : –Update on federal legislations pertinent to IEEE-USA –Discussion and dissemination of IEEE-USA policies on: Key legislative issues (Intellectual Property Reform, Immigration Reform, Energy Bill, SBIR & STTR reauthorization, Smart Grid (power), and STEM Education (Science Technology, Engineering and Math) Review of resumes and participation in selection of an R4 candidate to attend Congressional Visit Day (CVD). Becoming familiar with IEEE-USA programs and initiatives –Strategic and Operational Plan for –Legislative Action Center (LAC) –Congressional Fly-Ins, Energy Fly-Ins, Action Alerts, and Congressional Visit Day (CVD).
Pre-college Education Activities Teacher in Service Program (TISP) –100+ teachers trained by R4 volunteers Thanks to Central Indiana Volunteers – Brad Snodgrass and Will Kassebaum International Technology Education Association (ITEA) Conference, Portal Resources for Indiana Science and Mathematics (PRISM) Seminar at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Challenger Center – Brownsburg Indiana, and various R4 school systems – specifically Pike Township Central Indiana Section –E-Week Engineer Children’s Day – 600+ kids –FIRST Robotics Essay Competition –Judges for Regional Science & Engineering Fair –3 direct Teacher TISP "reimbursement grants" up to $100 per class Rock River Valley –2 FIRST Robotics Team projects –5 College Engineering Open House for HS Students – NIU 18-Aug-15Contact:
Other PACE Activities Review and recommendation of 14 PACE projects for funding Review and recommendation for revision of two projects Holding one telecon meeting with the Section PACE chairs Report of IEEE-USA PACE committee meetings and discussions to R4. Organization and help for preparation of 2009 best R4 PACE project poster at the Annual Meeting
Other PACE Activities Development and presentation of PACE training modules at 2009 Annual Meeting at Salt Lake City, Utah. Help in organization and invitation of speakers for Track 1 (Volunteers Toolkit) of 2009 Annual Meeting. Collection, dissemination, and report of 2008 R4 PACE funding requests and final project reports to IEEE-USA. Encouraging sections to organize PDS through telephone calls and Encouragement for attendance at the 2009 Annual Meeting by sending multiple s Requesting and receiving extra funding for PACE projects from IEEE-USA
Funds from IEEE-USA for PACE, CY-2009 and R4 Expenses Item Budget Allocation for Actual Professional Development Funds for Region 4$11,383.94$12,795 Funds for attending 2009 Annual Meeting$4,769.31$4,400 IEEE-USA funds for GOLD Participation at Annual Meeting$5,000 $4, Expected Supplemental PACE Funds$10000 Total $22, $22, * Participation of R4 XCOM + awardees, speakers
Section Attendance at 2009 Annual Meeting 1.Arrowhead0 2.Calumet 0 3.Cedar Rapids3 4.Central Illinois0 5.Central Indiana2 6.Central Iowa1 7.Chicago2 8.Fox Valley Subsec.0 9.Northwest Subsec.0 10.Fort Wayne0 11.Iowa-Illinois 3 12.Madison0 13. Milwaukee1 14.Missouri Slope1 15.Nebraska2 16.Northeast Michigan0 17.Northeastern Wisconsin0 18.Red River Valley 3 19.Rock River Valley 2 20.Siouxland1 21.Southeastern Michigan9 22.Southern Minnesota2 23.Coulee Subsection1 24.Toledo0 25.Twin Cities4 26.West Michigan0 27.???3 Number of Section Participated: 15 Number of Section Xcom members participated: 32 Number of Region Xcom members participated:8 Total participation: 40 Section No. Participated Section No. Participated
2009 Annual Meeting Round Table Issues Globalization National Issues Local Issues
Globalization (R4 Breakout Session) Continuing education and skills – keep your self competitive –Develop diversity in your career –Communication is critical – cross culturally, etc. –Cross training opportunities –Global networking –Personal skills assessment and gap analysis –Facilitate the use of existing resources on technical/soft skills through webinars, seminars –Improve networking and communication through diverse media and social forms Virtual Communities, LinkedIn, etc.
Volunteerism Officer training –Innovative methods –Develop leadership skills –PDH –Implement the new MGA Developed Officer Training Materials –Utilize Leadership Workshop(s) –Emphasize Timeliness at the Start of Terms –Identify new positions/roles and support
Metrics By mid February 2010 each section provides officer training and the percent receiving it. Have officers evaluate 2009 training materials. Report recruitment statistics to Region Directors.
2010 Annual Meeting Where? Nashville, Tennessee When? March 4-7 (Thursday – Sunday) Deadline for hotel registration: Feb 1 st Deadline for Conf. Registration: Feb 9 Registration Fee: $475 Hotel rate per night: $ Region support: $400 per section 0/registration/default.asp
Info Needed from Section Chairs 1. Name, address, and telephone number of your PACE Chair –Appoint an active XCOM member if one doesn’t exist 2. PDS workshops in Southern Minnesota, Missouri slope, calumet, Northeastern Wisconsin, Madison, Forth Wayne, West Michigan Annual Meeting Registration
PACE Committee Plan for 2010
Pre-College Education Provide sections with successful lessons on TISP relationships with school systems Inform all R4 sections of the IEEE USA website resource for "best practices" and "how-to" information. Reach out to section leaders to provide assistance with starting/supporting pre-college education activities, such as Teacher Reward/Grant program, Teacher In-Service Program, Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS), Future City Competition, FIRST Robotics
Pre-College Education Provide direct Teacher TISP "reimbursement grants" up to $100 per class: As incentive to teachers for using lessons in class Strengthen TISP volunteer opportunity to teach Measure use of the lessons via application volume
Technical Policy Activities Communicate technical priorities to the Region 4 members. Provide feedback from membership back to the committees. Provide membership concerns and questions to the technical committees.
SPAC Activities GOAL--4 S-PACs with one being a school never held one in the past. GOAL--Get somebody in front of the students at the SLTW to tell them the benefits of planning and holding an S-PAC Michigan State (February 15, 2010) Central Michigan University (January 30, 2010) Wayne State University (TBD) Valparaiso (February 2, 2010) Possible events in 2010 –S-PAC “Tour” with Jim Watson headlining –S-PAC presentation at SLTW –UND S-PAC –University of Windsor S-PAC
Review and recommendation of PACE projects for funding Promoting Green Eng. (alternative energy) part of R4 long- term PACE project Preparation and presentation of STEM training module on embedded real time systems at 2010 Annual Meeting Report the IEEE-USA PACE committee meetings decisions/info to the region. Discuss increase on R4 PACE Travel budget with IEEE- USA Provide PACE resources/presentations for Virtual Chapters Promote Employment and Career Services with help from Tarek Lahdhiri Other Activities
With help of Area Chairs, organize two PDS in less active sections in each area. Promote sections to develop PACE goals for their sections/subsections Help for organization of the best R4 PACE project posters for 2010 Annual Meeting Hold quarterly PACE telecon meetings (as much as possible) Provide PACE training for the sections in need Initiate sustainable PDS activities Professional Activities
Promote the professional and public policy interests of R4 membership to national and local government agencies. Advance public policies that enhance the public welfare, and serve the needs of the R4 membership. Assure R4 members understand and appreciate IEEE- USA's programs and services, and to provide R4 members with an influential role in the larger public community. Promote understanding of Science and Technology issues related to public policy. Facilitate and coordinate communications between grassroots R4 sections and IEEE –USA government activities resources. Government Activities
PACE Training
Thank You!