Wonderful Wriggling Worms Stacy Williams, Reginal Cole Melissa McEwan, Kai Antonio
Subject/Grade Subjects: Social Studies, Art, Science, Language Arts, Music Grade Level: 4
Curriculum Framing Questions Essential Question: How are animals a valuable part of the world? Unit Question: How do worms impact the environment?
CFQs Continued Content Questions: – What is a worm? – What are the physical characteristics of worms? – What are some different types of worms? – What are some different habitats of worms? – How do these worms impact their specific habitats? – What do worms eat? – How do worms eat? – What eats worms? – What is the life cycle of a worm? – How do worms reproduce?
ODE Content Standards Social Science – Understand how physical environment presents opportunities for economic and recreational activities. – Identify cause and effect relationships in a sequence of events. – Identify and locate major landforms, bodies of water, vegetation and climate found in regions of the US.