Gloudemans 1, J. de Laat 1,2, C. Dijkstra 1, H. Schrijver 1, I. Aben 1, G. vd Werf 3, M. Krol 1,4 Interannual variability of CO and its relation to long-range transport and biomass burning 1 SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research 2 KNMI, 3 VU, 4 WUR
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 2 SCIAMACHY CO retrievals: a real challenge! CO lines SWIR ~ nm, sensitive down to Earth surface where the CO sources are CO lines SWIR ~ nm, sensitive down to Earth surface where the CO sources are CO lines are weak and often overlap with strong H 2 O and CH 4 lines CO lines are weak and often overlap with strong H 2 O and CH 4 lines Important instrument calibration issues further complicate the CO retrievals, in particular: Important instrument calibration issues further complicate the CO retrievals, in particular: Presence of ice layer on the detector Presence of ice layer on the detector Increasing number of dead/bad detector pixels (radiation damage) Increasing number of dead/bad detector pixels (radiation damage) Surface reflectance SWIR: Surface reflectance SWIR: Oceans <0.01 Oceans <0.01 Densely vegetated areas ~0.05 Densely vegetated areas ~0.05 Dry desert regions >0.5 Dry desert regions >0.5 Clouds ~ Clouds ~
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 3 Enhanced carbon monoxide from Greek forest fires OMI aerosol index
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 4 SCIAMACHY CO Gloudemans et al. (2009) ACP, 9, Cloud top height (hPa) Red: high clouds, small cloud top pressures Blue: low clouds, large cloud top pressures
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 5 Validation with ground-based data Use SWIR CH 4 as cloud top height estimate Good agreement between CH 4 cloud top height and FRESCO+ cloud top height From: De Laat et al. (2010), AMTD, in press Thanks to NDACC, R.Sussmann,T.Borsdorff, and all other data providers for providing ground-based CO column data
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 6 Validation with ground-based data Use SWIR CH 4 as cloud top height estimate Good agreement between CH 4 cloud top height and FRESCO+ cloud top height From: De Laat et al. (2010), AMTD, in press Time-dependent negative bias in Southern Hemisphere South of ~40 o S SCIA - GBS
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 7 Gloudemans et al. (2009) ACP, 9,
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 8 Transport of biomass-burning CO Gloudemans et al. (GRL, 2006)
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 9 Gloudemans et al. (GRL, 2006) Van der Werf et al. (ACP, 2006) South American emissions S-America biomass-burning (BB) emissions much higher in 2004 modeled emissions possibly still too low signal BB S-America primarily from S-America, peak Sept. signal BB Africa primarily from Africa, with a contribution from S-America which lags in time ~few weeks. in Australia, depending on the location the main contribution sometimes originates from BB in S-America !!
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 10 Interannual variation in biomass-burning Torres et al. (ACP, 2010) —South America …Central Africa SCIAMACHY CO South America Central Africa Central Australia
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 11 Interannual variability over Indonesia Gloudemans et al. (2009) ACP, 9,
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 12 Gloudemans et al. (2009)
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 13 Gloudemans et al. (2009) ACP, 9,
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 14 SCIAMACHY CO and transport of Asian pollution - Clouds are bright sufficient signal to noise - Simultanously measured CH4 column: good proxy for cloud top height. - only use low clouds - Annual 1x1 mean - SCIA CO columns above cloud + TM4 below cloud = CO total column - SCIA CO columns above cloud only - TM4 above cloud - MOPITT total column – bias due to different sensitivities (clouds, AVK, a priori,…) - Preliminary, qualitative comparison only - Detailed quantitative comparison of SCIAMACHY and MOPITT is in progress Variability SCIAMACHY CO very similar to MOPITT Turquety et al. (2008, ACP) De Laat et al. (2010, JGR)
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 15 Conclusions SCIAMACHY can measure CO over the oceans above low cloudsSCIAMACHY can measure CO over the oceans above low clouds Instrument noise error good indication of overall error in COInstrument noise error good indication of overall error in CO SCIAMACHY CO agrees well with ground-based observationsSCIAMACHY CO agrees well with ground-based observations Time-dependent bias detected in Southern HemisphereTime-dependent bias detected in Southern Hemisphere Enhanced CO due to biomass burning, the corresponding long-range transport and their inter-annual variation are clearly seen:Enhanced CO due to biomass burning, the corresponding long-range transport and their inter-annual variation are clearly seen: clear contribution of CO emitted by South-American forest fires to CO enhancements over Australia : >50% over central Australia in 2004 Long-range transport of pollution from Asia clearly seenLong-range transport of pollution from Asia clearly seen Interannual variations can be studied: year-to-year changes in good agreement with MOPITT, models, FTIR,....Interannual variations can be studied: year-to-year changes in good agreement with MOPITT, models, FTIR,....
data available, more years and new retrieval version under way (poster 008-D2) contact : Quick look of SCIAMACHY CO data with Google Earth:
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 17 SCIAMACHY CH 4 cloud top pressures Low clouds: surface – 800 hPa High clouds: pressure <800 hPa Gloudemans et al. (2009)
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 18 Retrieval version: IMLM v7.4 Gloudemans et al. (2009) ACP, 9,
ESA Living Planet Symposium - 27 June – 2 July Bergen 19 SCIAMACHY CO over the oceans: clouds Use SWIR CH 4 as cloud top height estimate Good agreement between CH 4 cloud top height and FRESCO+ cloud top height Red: high clouds, small cloud top pressures Blue: low clouds, large cloud top pressures Cloud top height (hPa) Gloudemans et al. (2009)