ISM Lecture 13 H 2 Regions II: Diffuse molecular clouds; C + => CO transition
13.1 Diffuse molecular clouds Diffuse clouds clouds with total visual extinction A V 1 mag If A V 0.3 mag virtually all hydrogen in atomic form diffuse atomic clouds CNM If 0.3 mag A V 1 mag significant fraction of hydrogen is molecular Note: with N H =N(H)+2N(H 2 ) Van Dishoeck 1998 in Mol. Astr. Snow & McCall 2006, ARAA
Observations of diffuse clouds Observed primarily by absorption lines at visible (since 1900’s) and UV wavelengths (since 1970’s) Classical example: line-of-sight towards Oph Spectra show sharp interstellar lines super-imposed on broad stellar lines
Observed species Many atomic lines information on depletion (see Chap. 7) Molecules detected: H 2, HD, CH, CH +, C 2, CO, OH, CN, NH, HCl, C 3 Not detected: N 2 (?), H 2 O, H 2 O +, MgH, NaH, SH +, …
Interstellar H 2 lines towards Ophiuchi Copernicus data 1970’s FUSE data >1999
Physical conditions a. Rotational excitation of H 2 H 2 lines out of J = 0-7 detected with Copernicus + FUSE Population distribution non-thermal Low J: excitation dominated by collisions sensitive to T and n H Abundance H + large enough that ortho/para exchange rapid and J=1/J=0 gives T kin High J: energy levels lie very high (> 1000 K) not populated by collisions at T = K populated by optical pumping process through B X and C X systems proportional to interstellar radiation field I UV Formation process may play a small role as well
Observed H 2 rotational excitation Spitzer & Cochran 1973 ln N J /g J
H 2 excitation
b. C 2 rotational excitation Like H 2, C 2 has no permanent dipole moment so excited rotational levels long-lived Excitation similar to H 2, but by radiation around 1 m rather than UV Advantage of C 2 : observable from ground Van Dishoeck & de Zeeuw 1984
b. C 2 rotational excitation C 2 excitation Low-J population: sensitive to T High-J population: determined by optical pumping + collisional de-excitation => sensitive to n H and I red
c. Other diagnostics CO rotational excitation Small dipole moment => lowest levels can be populated by collisions even at low densities => sensitive to T and n H C, C +, O fine-structure excitation Fine-structure populations determined by collisions => sensitive to T and n H See Chap. 4 for critical densities Overall results: T~25-50 K, n H ~ cm -3
O I, C I and C II fine structure lines
Thermal balance Similar to H I clouds Heating: photoelectric emission from dust + photoionization of large molecules/PAHs Cooling: fine structure excitation and emission from [C II]
13.2 Chemistry in diffuse clouds Detailed models needed to understand observed abundances of molecules Started with Kramers & ter Haar 1946, Bates & Spitzer 1951 Gas-phase ion-molecule reactions are very rapid at low temperatures Herbst & Klemperer 1973 Modern view Neutral-neutral reactions also significant at low T Grain surface formation minor role in diffuse clouds (except for H 2 ); major role in dense clouds Tielens Chap
Ion-molecule collisions Interaction potential (induced dipole + centrifugal barrier): V eff has maximum value: Critical impact parameter: Rate coefficient is independent of T: Langevin rate =polarizability
Networks of chemical reactions Formation of bonds Radiative association: X + + Y XY + + h Grain surface:X + Y:g XY + g Destruction of bonds Photo-dissociation:XY + h X + Y Dissociative recombination:XY + + e X + Y Rearrangement of bonds Ion-molecule reactions (fast):X + + YZ XY + + Z Neutral-neutral reactions (slow):X + YZ XY + Z
Carbon chemistry Need to have ions and molecules to start ion- molecule chemistry I.P. of C < 13.6 eV carbon mostly C + C + + H 2 CH h possible at low T (initiating reaction) Once CH 2 + formed, rapid ion-molecule reactions lead to CH, C 2, … C + + H 2 CH + + H: endothermic by 0.4 eV
Carbon chemistry and its coupling with oxygen
Oxygen chemistry I.P. of O > 13.6 eV oxygen mostly O Ionization provided by cosmic rays H 2 or H + C.R. H 2 + or H + + C.R. + e H H 2 H H (very fast) H + or H 3 + can react with oxygen H + + O H + O +, O + + H 2 OH + + H H O OH + + H 2 Once OH + formed, rapid ion-molecule reactions lead to OH, H 2 O and CO Note that OH abundance proportional to cosmic ray ionization rate CR => can use observed OH abundance to determine CR
Oxygen chemistry and its coupling with carbon
Depth dependence of major species Per cloud Van Dishoeck & Black 1986 edge center
13.2 Translucent clouds Clouds with 1 mag A V 5 mag “translucent clouds” Intermediate between diffuse clouds and dense molecular clouds Not self-gravitating Thin enough for optical absorption lines, but thick enough for mm emission lines of CO
High-latitude clouds Discovered by CO emission (Magnani et al. 1985) Seen as IRAS 100 m cirrus A V =1-2 mag => similar to translucent clouds Example: high latitude cloud toward HD ; mapped in CO and optical absorption lines toward star T~15-30 K; n H =1000 cm -3
High latitude cloud toward HD Gredel et al CO J=1-0 map
CO formation and destruction CO is most abundant molecule after H 2 and is easily observed through (sub-) mm lines Good tracer of H 2 At edge of cloud, most of carbon is C + Transition C + C CO with increasing depth CO is very stable (D e = eV 1118 Å) can only be dissociated at 912 Å < < 1118 Å
CO photodissociation Like H 2, CO has no direct dissociation channels dissociation through line absorption self-shielding, but at greater depth than H 2 because of smaller abundance At A V 1-2 mag, CO / H 2 increases from 10 –7 to 10 –4
Self-shielding of CO and H 2 Photodissociation rates - Note that H 2 lines can shield CO UV lines: mutual shielding
Densities of major species in translucent cloud T=15 K n H =1500 cm -3 I UV =1 Edge Center
Column densities with A V Increase in CO/H 2 at A V =1-2 mag from to Exact location and sharpness transition depend on Strength UV radiation field Density Gas-phase carbon abundance
13.4 Photon-dominated regions (PDRs) Diffuse and translucent clouds are examples of PDRs, I.e., clouds in which UV photons control the physical and chemical state of the cloud Traditionally, PDRs are dense molecular clouds located close to an OB star, in which the UV radiation field is enhanced by a factor of 10 5 w.r.t. average interstellar radiation field Example: Orion Bar PDRs show very strong atomic fine-structure lines E.g. [C II] 158 m, [C I] 610 m, [O I] 63 m And submillimeter lines of molecules E.g. CO 7-6, HCO Tielens Chap 9
PDR structure
Orion Bar PDR Yellow: H 2 v=1-0 Blue PAH Red: CO Note layered structure! (0,0)= 2 A Ori
M17 Edge-on ionization front
M17: CO vs [C I] - [C I] peaks deeper into cloud than CO, contrary to PDR models => evidence for clumpy cloud? Keene et al. 1985
NGC 1977: uniform vs. clumpy model [ C II] emission