Robert Zai III & Threasa L. Wesley
Not counting resources (collections, facilities, and the like), what assistance does your university’s on- and off-campus students need?
How does your library deliver these programs to your on- and off-campus students?
If distance was not a factor, what would be your preferred method of delivery for all students?
to “overthrow the “tyranny” of the 50-minute, one-shot session; as a follow-up for face-to-face information literacy instruction; only for on-campus classes; to provide subsequent reference assistance, and to post notes and links covered in class; and, designed to focus all interaction to the Discussion Boards.
10 total classes spanning disciplines and course levels; professors that extensively and actively use Blackboard; and, professors that also utilize face-to-face library instruction. However, we… only successfully recruited 8 classes; scrambled to find 2 more professors; and, elected to add 2 distance courses for an even 10.
2 distance professors from the original pilot requested the service in the following semester; and, we easily found 8 more distance classes.
Programming Via Distance Learning Technology vs. the 50- Minute, One-Shot Session Duration of the assignment or the semester Vs. one-shot session All of the needed concepts at the needed depth Vs. 3 major concepts covered, and taught to the middle Multiple presentation styles, accommodating all learning styles Vs. Single presentation style, addressing a couple of learning styles Student paced learning Vs. librarian paced learning
Programming Via Distance Learning Technology vs. the 50- Minute, One-Shot Session Contextual, need-based learning Vs. front-loaded, “everything you need to know” learning All materials recorded and reviewable throughout the research process as needed Vs. “a one time presentation, don’t be tardy or absent, and you better take notes” Reviewing all of the course documents (syllabus, assignments, readings, etc...) Vs. library instruction request, detailing session need
Using University provided & supported technology is cost- and time- efficient for the library, course instructors, and students. Each library faculty member reaches more classes and students. The pool of library faculty who can participate in instruction & reference is broadened. Sharing of our best resources for each class and student is facilitated. The visibility and standing of information literacy curriculum is enhanced.
More Pedagogically Sound Instructional Methodology. More Realistic Presentation of the Role of Research in Scholarship & Learning Advancement. Wider & Deeper Distribution of Information Literacy Curriculum.
Questions? Comments?
Threasa Wesley (859) Robert Zai III (859)
Robert Zai III & Threasa L. Wesley