Plexiglass Amy Lynch - Winter 2009
What is Plexiglass? Plexiglass is a thermoplastic and transparent plastic. In scientific terms, it is the synthetic polymer of mehtyl methacrylate, (PMMA) Sold by the trade names Plexiglas, Vitroflex, Limacryl, R-Cast, Per-Clax, Perspex, Plazcry, Acrylex, Acrylite, Acrylplast, Altuglas, Polycast, Oroglass, Optix, and Lucite. Plexiglass was developed in 1928 and was brought to the market in 1933 by Rohm and Haas Company. It is often used as an alternative to glass. Plexiglass is a thermoplastic and transparent plastic. In scientific terms, it is the synthetic polymer of mehtyl methacrylate, (PMMA) Sold by the trade names Plexiglas, Vitroflex, Limacryl, R-Cast, Per-Clax, Perspex, Plazcry, Acrylex, Acrylite, Acrylplast, Altuglas, Polycast, Oroglass, Optix, and Lucite. Plexiglass was developed in 1928 and was brought to the market in 1933 by Rohm and Haas Company. It is often used as an alternative to glass.
History of Plexiglass The first acrylic acid was created in Methacrylic acid, derived from acrylic acid, was formulated in The German chemists Fittig and Paul discovered in 1877 the process that turns methyl methacrylate into polymethyl methacrylate, essentially Plexiglas. In 1933 the German chemist Otto Rohm patented and registered the brand name Plexiglas. It was first sold commercially in During World War II acrylic glass was used for submarine periscopes, windshields, canopies, and gun turrets for airplanes. The first acrylic acid was created in Methacrylic acid, derived from acrylic acid, was formulated in The German chemists Fittig and Paul discovered in 1877 the process that turns methyl methacrylate into polymethyl methacrylate, essentially Plexiglas. In 1933 the German chemist Otto Rohm patented and registered the brand name Plexiglas. It was first sold commercially in During World War II acrylic glass was used for submarine periscopes, windshields, canopies, and gun turrets for airplanes.
How is Plexiglass made? Plexiglass is processed at degrees celsius. A molding process is used such as injection molding, compression molding, and extrustion. Sheets of plexiglass can be joined by using adhesive such as Superglue, with heat, or by using solvents to dissolve the plastic at the joint which then fuses and sets, forming an almost invisible weld. Plexiglass is processed at degrees celsius. A molding process is used such as injection molding, compression molding, and extrustion. Sheets of plexiglass can be joined by using adhesive such as Superglue, with heat, or by using solvents to dissolve the plastic at the joint which then fuses and sets, forming an almost invisible weld.
Properties of Plexiglass It is less than half the density of glass and similar to that of other plastics. Has an impact strength higher than that of glass. It does not shatter under force, but instead breaks into large dull pieces. Transmits up to 98% of light at 3 mm thickness and gives a reflection of about 4% from each of its surfaces. Filters ultraviolet light Allows infrared light to pass Has excellent environmental stability compared to other plastics. It is less than half the density of glass and similar to that of other plastics. Has an impact strength higher than that of glass. It does not shatter under force, but instead breaks into large dull pieces. Transmits up to 98% of light at 3 mm thickness and gives a reflection of about 4% from each of its surfaces. Filters ultraviolet light Allows infrared light to pass Has excellent environmental stability compared to other plastics.
What is Plexiglass used for? Plexiglass is often used for constructing residential and commercial aquariums. Other examples include: –Motorcycle helmet visors –Police riot control vehicles –Aircraft windows –Ice hockey spectator protection –Artistic and aesthetic uses Plexiglass is often used for constructing residential and commercial aquariums. Other examples include: –Motorcycle helmet visors –Police riot control vehicles –Aircraft windows –Ice hockey spectator protection –Artistic and aesthetic uses
Art and Aesthetics Contemporary furniture makers often incorperate Lucite and other PMMA products into designs. Trasparent quality, environmental stability, and durability allow designers to work with Plexigass in a creative way. Contemporary furniture makers often incorperate Lucite and other PMMA products into designs. Trasparent quality, environmental stability, and durability allow designers to work with Plexigass in a creative way. This aquarium is a plexiglas cylider, allowing the spectator to view the fish from a 360 degree perspective.
Art and Aesthetics Plexiglas can be colored and tinted. The transparency emits light and allows for multiple possibilities in the aesthetic value of the material.
Art and Aesthetics These tubular slides are made of plexiglas and metal. Visitors to Tate Modern in London can ride the slides to the floor. It creates an interactive and beautiful piece of art.