The Arab-Israeli Conflict
Roots reach back many hundreds of years. Arab world suffered domination by foreign powers well into the 1900s; had strong desire to set up own independent nations without outside interference. Jews believed they had historical right to reclaim their ancient homeland.
The Establishment of Israel Zionist movement of late 1800s proposed setting up state where Jews could escape anti-Semitism common in Europe. Sykes-Picot Accord- secret agreement between French and British to divide the Ottoman Empire into mandates under their control if the Allies win World War I. Balfour Declaration- British government would support the formation of a Jewish state in Palestine. As Hitler and Nazis began to persecute Jews in 1930s, they began to move to Palestine in large numbers.
The Establishment of Israel Arabs saw Jews as intruders and violence between the two groups became an ongoing problem. Britain gave up plan of creating a Jewish state; did not want to jeopardize relations with oil-rich Arab countries. After Holocaust, Jewish survivors wanted to start new lives in Palestine. By 1946, Jews made up 1/3 of the population; caused open civil war. Britain turned problem over to United Nations in 1947.
Arguments supporting the Jews: 1.Palestine belonged to Jews until Romans drive them out in A.D. They had never given up hope of returning. 2.Jews had been persecuted for centuries, would not be safe until they had their own state. 3.Arabs had never developed Palestine. Jewish pioneers built cities, industries, and schools and introduced modern medicine.
Arguments supporting the Palestinian- Arabs: 1.Palestine had been Arab land for hundreds of years and the population was mainly Arab. 2.Arabs had never persecuted the Jews. 3.It was unfair to solve the problems of the Jews at the expense of the Arabs in Palestine.
Continuous Conflict In 1948, the U.N. divided Palestine into two states. Israel was created for Jews. Arabs refused to accept U.N. plan; they never set up an Arab state and refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate state War- Israel gained about ½ of Arab land. Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan attacked Israel and carried out many raids; wanted to restore Palestine to Arabs Suez Crisis- Britain, France, and Israel cancelled plans to take Suez Canal from Egypt. May 1967 Six Days War- Israel destroyed Egyptian and Syrian air forces and occupied territory. Refused to give any land back unless Arabs recognized Israel’s right to exist.
Continuous Conflict 1973 October War- Egypt attacked Israeli forces on Sinai Peninsula to restore Arab honor, show Israel could be beaten, and give Egypt a stronger bargaining position. Backfired: Israel crossed into Egypt and held more Syrian territory than before Camp David Accords- Egypt ready for peace. Egyptian President Sadat met with Israeli Prime Minister Begin at Camp David at invitation of U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Israel agreed to give up Sinai Peninsula to gain diplomatic recognition; called for five-year period of self-government for the West Bank and Gaza Strip Sadat assassinated by Muslim radicals for betraying Arab cause.
The Palestinian Question How to deal with Palestinians made homeless by the creation of Israel? PLO- Palestinian Liberation Organization was formed in 1964 to represent all Palestinians scattered throughout the Middle East. Charter called for the destruction of Israel and creation of a Palestinian state. Black September- PLO operated out of Jordan, but did not recognize the authority of King Hussein. When attacked by PLO members, Israel retaliated on Jordan. September 1970, King Hussein ordered PLO guerillas out of the country. PLO refused, were shot by Jordanian army when found.
Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO moved to southern Lebanon. Yasir Arafat became leader; used terrorism to draw attention to Palestinian cause. PLO seized and killed Israeli athletes in 1972 Olympics. Israel attacked PLO bases in Lebanon, invaded in Arafat declared PLO renounced terrorism and accepted Israel’s right to exist, called for creation of a Palestinian state in occupied territories Yasir Arafat died. Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians are ongoing still today.