Beginning Sign Language By Mrs. Dana Enochs
American Sign Language American sign language was first developed in the beginning of the 19 th century at the American school for the deaf. American sign language is more commonly known as ASL. ALS uses the hands, facial movements, and the upper torso. ALS is a visual language. For the following lesson we will be only using our hands.
Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change a sample image, select a picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in each placeholder to insert your own images. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. Sample pictures courtesy of Bill Staples. This is the letter A a This is the letter B b This is the letter C c This is the letter D d
A a The letter A is the first letter in the alphabet. The letter A is known as a vowel.
B b The letter B b is the second letter in the alphabet. The letter B is a consonat.
C c The letter C is the third letter in the alphabet. The letter C is a consonat.
D d The letter D is the forth letter in the alphabet. It is a consonant.
The following is the a letter sounds song along with the letter signs. Double click on the video below. (MySmarthands)
REFERENCES Retrieved from:, posted 2011.