HISTORIC AL FICTION Ms. Lippert Ms. Murphy
Historical Fiction: A Paradox History Elements occur during a real time in the past Setting Dates Characters Momentous events Fiction Some elements of work are made up Characters Places Plot sequences
Setting Set in the past Definite time period in history Real place in history Accuracy and/or authenticity important Information about time period, place, people, and culture The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien takes place in Middle Earth Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi takes place in 14 th century England
Historical Events About important events that occurred in the past Usually events greatly impacted people living during that time Moby Dick by Herman Melville Shark attacks by Moby Dick Amelia’s War by Ann Rinaldi Civil War
Characters Can be actual, historical figures Can be fictitious people live in a real, historical time and place Behave in realistic ways Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll the Caterpillar, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat So Far From Home by Barry Denenberg Mary Driscoll, fourteen year-old girl
Language and Slang Modern voice, but Slang Accents/dialects Vocabulary (jargon of a particular culture/geographic region) Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse -“Ma” page 10 -“local song plugger” page 10 -“a rattler” page 5 -“speed-writing test” page 10
Cultural Artifacts Objects from the specific time period Makes setting believable Clothing, hairstyles, appliances, machines, inventions, TV shows or movies, pieces of literature, music/artistic references… Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse “wearing my straw hat” page 8 “speed writing-test” page 8 “the memory book” page 8