IC4D 2009: Extending Reach and Increasing Impact Colombo December 4, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

IC4D 2009: Extending Reach and Increasing Impact Colombo December 4, 2009

2 Report Structure Part I Chapter 1: Overview Chapter 2: Convergence Chapter 3: Economic Impact of Broadband Chapter 4: Backbone Networks in Africa Chapter 5: E-government Experiences from India Chapter 6: National E-government Institutions Chapter 7: IT and IT-enabled Services Part II Key Trends in ICT Development Progress in Measuring ICT At-a-glance Tables for 150 Economies

3 Sector Trends

4 Sector Trends (1/5) Mobile phones have narrowed the gaps in voice communications worldwide, as a result of competition and technology development.

5 Sector Trends (2/5) Access to advanced ICT services is the natural next step in development.

6 Sector Trends (3/5) Convergence is already a wide-spread, market-driven reality. Implications Changing business models for service providers Expanded access through larger markets Broader range of services and applications Altered market structure and dynamics Dimensions Service Network Corporate Device

7 Sector Trends (4/5) Developing countries are benefitting from ICT exports, and there is room for new entrants.

8 Sector Trends (5/5) ICT applications are transforming government and commerce in developing countries… User perception of increased service quality …but the gap remains big. User reports of bribe payments

9 Key Policy Findings

10 Key Policy Findings (1/4) Broadband contributes to growth and opens up new opportunities, for which it deserves a central role in development strategies.

11 Key Policy Findings (2/4) Public-private partnerships can leverage the private sector to meet ICT infrastructure development objectives.

12 Key Policy Findings (3/4) Cross-sector leadership and institutions are essential to realize the benefits from investing in e-government. Strategy and policy formulation Coordination of e- government program Implementation

13 Key Policy Findings (4/4) Public interventions to promote IT and IT-enabled services can be good investments irrespective of the success of the IT initiatives.

MEXICO (US$80 million): IT Industry Development Project Development Objective: To foster the creation of jobs in Mexican IT Companies by improving their competitiveness and efficiency through access to: –A larger supply of trained personnel –Technologies –Quality standards and global marketing networks of MNCs –Private debt finance Components: –Human skills development –Strengthening of IT Clusters –Financing of IT Industry –Supporting Infrastructure –Outsourcing of Government Services –Strengthening of Legal and Regulatory Framework Country Examples

Development Objective: To promote: (i) the Use of ICT to enhance growth, employment and equity through affordable access to means of information and communication; (ii) access to and use of public information and service on-line by citizens and businesses; and (iii) competitiveness of private sector, particularly of knowledge industries and SMEs Components: –ICT policy, Leadership and Institutional development Program –ICT HR development and Industry Promotion Program –Backbone Communications Infrastructure –Telecenter Development Program –Reengineering Government Program –e-Society Program 15 Sri Lanka (US$ 53 million): E-Sri Lanka Development Project

MONGOLIA (US$ 12 million) Information and Communications Infrastructure Development Project Development Objective: To increase the coverage and use of ICT services among the rural community (telephony, internet access, access to e-government services) in order to increase incomes in rural Mongolia Components: Subsidies to telecom operators to provide access in rural areas, through an output-based competitive subsidy program; Public-Private partnerships in the delivery of e-government services; Policy and Regulatory capacity-building for ICT sector reforms. Country Examples

eGHANA (US$ 42 million) Development Objective: To develop an IT-enabled services industry, in order to attract investment, create employment and increase export revenue. Components: Enabling Environment: Capacity building, support to the National Communications Authority, sector policies, revision to the FOI framework Support to Local ICT Businesses and ITES in Ghana : ITES capacity building, establishment of a program between educational institutions and businesses, promotion strategy, grants eGovernment Applications and Government Communications: IT architecture, Government Investment support, training, study on PPPs Country Examples

Core markets 2008 Growth in Core markets New verticals in developed Countries Public sector Healthcare Media Utilities New customer segments SMBs Outsourcing market in new geographies Brazil Russia China India Source: NASSCOM, Perspective 2020: Transform Business, Transform India, April $billion ICT Skills Initiative Total Addressable Market for Global Sourcing and Domestic Outsourcing, 2020 (Less than 20% of current addressable market of $500 billion penetrated)

India has about 30% of global supply of low- wage labor for the BPO industry Likely to have a talent shortfall of 0.8 million to 1.2 million by 2012 ICT Skills Initiative Skills is becoming a major constraint

Focus of the ICT Skills Initiative Globally benchmarked skills assessment, training and certification. Alignment of skills with industry requirements. Industry partnerships in curricula development, learning content, testing and certification. Rapid scalability and replication. ICT Skills Initiative

Skills Development Framework 21 Knowledge Hub Skill assessments Software Developer Certification/CERT Foundational BPO Training TSP/PSP Domain Training COPC 6 sigma CMMi Universities R&D Management Training IT Services IT Enabled Services Companies

22 Government Transformation Initiative Accelerate ICT-enabled government transformation Develop and promote viable business models Build Government capacity to manage IT projects, help Governments spend their IT dollars more efficiently Showcase best practice Connect practitioners with implementers & experts Technical assistance for project design and enabling environment Finance firms willing to competitively partner with govts: PPP models OPPORTUNITY WHAT ARE WE TRYING TO ACHIEVE? Average number of trips saved by citizens to government offices due to e-services in India Waiting time saved for citizens at government offices due to e-services in India Source: Survey of e-government projects in India, IC4D 2009

Government Transformation Initiative HOW DOES THE GTI WORK? P2P networks of government leaders and CIOs to connect practitioners Knowledge bank with best practices combined with targeted training Project development facility to provide “rapid response” services for project formulation, setting up the enabling environment Advisory support and funding related to private companies WHAT KIND OF AREAS DOES THE GTI COVER? Wide range of issues, such as use of ICT for service delivery, for climate change adaptation/mitigation, food security and governance.

Government Transformation Initiative WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Government leaders, practitioners and industry to join the P2P networks Donors, industry and academia to contribute to the Initiative financially or in kind WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? Access to replicable innovations Development impact and accountability Spending IT $$ more efficiently INTERESTED? Piloting of the initiative to start in February 2010 For more information please contact Randeep Sudan –

25 e-Development Thematic Group Virtual forum for knowledge sharing and learning on the use of ICT in development A global community of practice with 2500 members and over 170 learning events delivered to date Innovative use of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, videoconferencing, webcasting and webinar tools Website: We invite new partners and members! Join us!

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