Development of Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Socialization Tools in Indonesia SUDARNO National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) TM on Effective Utilization of NPP Simulators as Introductory Educational Tools Vienna, May 2014
Outline Presentation : ◦Current state of Indonesian energy ◦Development of NPP Simulators in Indonesia ◦Methods used for development of Indonesia NPP Simulator ◦Future works of Indonesian NPP Simulator development ◦Conclusion
Introduction : About Indonesia Indonesia is an archipelago country Consisting thousands islands (±3000) Among the five big islands, Java Island is the most populated island: ◦ 130 million inhabitants with 940 peoples/km2 Java has a lot of industrials bases that support entire the country’s needs Java Island
Energy situation in Indonesia Oil still dominates primary energy sources in Indonesia, currently oil consumption accounted for about 52% of primary energy mix (World Bank, 2006) Primary energy sources mostly located out-site of Java Island Electricity demand concentrated in Java-Bali- Madura islands
Electricity projection on Java-Bali-Madura system
Needs of Nuclear Power Plants Introduction of NPP to supply Java-Bali-Madura electricity grid system. Expected advantages: ◦long term energy security, stimulating industrialization and development of human resource, low air pollution, low green house effect, saving resources. Several drawbacks (challenges) : ◦site for final disposal not available yet, difficulty on investment, longer lead time and construction period, financial risk, long term political support, assurance in importing fuel, low public acceptance.
Development of NPP Simulators in Indonesia Hybrid NPP Simulator based on Kartini Reactor (Syarif et al.)
Hybrid NPP Simulator based on Kartini Reactor Online mode : simulation is done using online reactor operation data such as control rod position and reactor power. The simulator calculate other parameter values. Offline mode : the posistion of control rod is set by user using Control rod button, then based on reactor operation database, the simulator determine the value of control rod reactivity and the reactor power.
PWR-1000 NPP Simulator (Subekti et al)
NSSS Panel
Reactor Model Modeling PWR1000 Core 4-loop Simulator PWR1000 core model refers to PWR 1000 from Westinghouse. Next picture shows the safety rods and control rods location.
Reactor Kinetics Reactor Kinetic is done by point kinetics approach using inhour solution, in order to accelerate the simulator computation. Programming inhour equation in G-programming language
Operation Mode: - Start-up - Power Rise - Stable 100% - Shutdown
Simulation for startup and power rise Startup simulation : control rod A-cluster and B-cluster are fully withdrawn. At this condition the reactor is still subcritical. Then withdraw the control rod C-cluster until we get criticality. The reactor is at hot core condition, zero power and free Xenon, which is verified by very small value of Xenon negative reactivity.
Operation Mode After criticality, the automatic mode will withdraw the CRs until reactivity exceeding 95 pcm, not more than 100 pcm as safety limit. Beside this reactivity safety limit, the reactor-power increase-rate (power rate) must be below 85 MWe/minute. - Start-up - Power Rise
Operation Mode - Stable 100% After power reactor is 100% stable at 1000 MWe, automatic mode will regulate the CRs movement by inserting the CRs if low power limit exceeded or withdraw CR if high power limit exceeded. Low power limit is MWe and high power limit is MWe. This stable condition will continue until all CRs fully withdrawal.
- Shutdown Operation Mode Insert CR C-cluster, B-cluster an A-cluster, followed by full insertion of safety rods.
Benchmarking simulator result with RELAP, COBRA-EN Simulation of PWR Accident: LOCA, SBO, LOFA etc. ◦Future works of Indonesian NPP Simulator development
Conclusion The simulator is design as a tool of NPP socialization. Point kinetics is used for reactor kinetic in order to get real time simulation. The NPP simulators development are still in progress.