Introduction for Beaglehole Instrument Users © 2004 Semiconsoft, Inc. TFCompanion ver. 2.65
What’s in Tutorial You will learn how to: 1.Configure TFCompanion to work with BIL data 2.Import measured data 3.Calculate filmstack parameters, review and Export the results to file 4.Process batch measurements This tutorial gives only specific information for BIL users. You are encouraged to review general tutorials for better understanding of TFCompanion use.
TFCompanion is a multi-threaded application – this means that there maybe several windows open and accessible at the same time. To toggle between different windows – use OS specific keyboard short-cuts: For MS Windows and Linux (KDE 2)—ALT+Tab For Linux (Gnome) –CTRL+ALT+[Fn] (F1-F8) For MAC OS X – check “man screen” for details Other OS – use OS specific keyboard shortcuts
Configure TFCompanion to work with BIL data Import/Load measured data Calculate the filmstack parameters and Export the results Process batch measurements
Configuring TFCompanion Beaglehole Instruments is using special convention for measured data. This convention need to be selected in TFCompanion configuration. We will review this setup in the next slides
Configure TFCompanion to work with BIL data Import/Load measured data Calculate the filmstack parameters and Export the results Process batch measurements
Configure TFCompanion to work with BIL data Import/Load measured data Calculate the filmstack parameters and Export the results Process batch measurements
Configure TFCompanion to work with BIL data Import/Load measured data Calculate the filmstack parameters and Export the results Process batch measurements
Batch measurements TFCompanion supports import and processing of batch measurement data. Batch file is a concatenation of several measurements e.g. repeated measurement on the sample (one or different points)
End of Tutorial We reviewed how to: Configure TFCompanion to work with BIL data Import measured data Calculate filmstack parameters, review and Export the results to file Process batch measurements