. Music- Floyd Cramer-Bridge Over Troubled Water. Created For Joy. … …
Just as The Lord stills the Seas and Waves He, calms our Turmoil as we Trust in Him. Psalms 65:5-8
Our God is Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, Mightier than the breakers of the Sea… He keeps safe those who honour Him and seek His Holiness in word and deed. Psalms 93:3-5
When in our distress we call out to the Lord, He hears and rescues us calming our Storm - Psalms 107:27-32
The Lord is our Shelter in the Storm our Refuge and Strength in times of trouble, helping us in our distress He is never far from us. Psalms 46:1-3
The Lord is our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer and our God. He is our Mighty Rock, in whom we take refuge. He is our Shield and Stronghold. The Horn of our Salvation. Psalm 18:2 -3
In Christ Jesus our light will rise in the Darkness and He will come quickly to help us - Isaiah 58: 6-9 & Revelation 22:7
Even in Darkness, Light dawns when we walk in Christ Jesus. He rises in our hearts and we will Shine like the Stars. 1 Peter 2:9 & 2 Peter 1:21 & 2 Corinthians 4:6 & Philippians 2:15
Jesus is our Light in the Darkness - John 1: 9 - 8:12 - 9:5 - 12:46
As a bridge reaches across the water …Jesus Christ laid down His Life for us. Reaching out to the Father in Sacrificial Love and obedience and by doing this He made a way for us to freely cross from Death to Life. John 14:6-7
Please Click To Exit Jesus Carries Us Safely To Shore. Thank you Photographers for sharing your gift so that the world can enjoy God’s Awesome Creation.