Mainframe Conversion Using the Vancouver Utilities by Owen Townsend UV Software Inc. Partner with TxMQ Inc. Partner with Travancore
UV Software Inc. General purpose data utilities for unix/linux Mainframe Migration Tools, to convert JCL,COBOL,& Data to unix/linux/Windows/SFU Converted over 30 mainframes since 1993 HQ Vancouver Canada President Owen Townsend,
TxMQ – Partner with UV Software IBM Business Partner in US & Canada Servicing fortune 1000 clients since 1991 Mainframe sales, installation, training Assisting migrations to open systems Offices in Amherst NY & Markham ON Contact
Travancore Software Solutions Onshore & offshore IT software services Mainframe support, web enabling, etc Partnering with UV Software & TxMQ –For Mainframe migrations to open systems HQ Trivandrum, Kerala, India Contact Shyam Subramanyam
Why Migrate to Unix/Linux ? Increase Performance Reduce Cost: –Linux systems less expensive than proprietary Mainframes Reduce Risk: –migrating existing systems is less risky than rewrites or new package implementations Preserve legacy logic: –Proven & customized over many years
Vancouver Utilities Contents JCL conversion to Korn shell scripts COBOL porting to Micro Focus COBOL Data conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII General purpose DATA utilities for unix
Conversion Methods Unix, Linux, or Windows/SFU environment Mass conversion of all files in directories Scripts convert thousands of files quickly –1000 JCLs (2 minutes) –250 programs (3 minutes) –Script to compile 250 programs (2 minutes) –Generate 200 data conversion jobs (1 minute) –Execute 200 file conversions (5 gig, 1 hour)
JCL Conversion - Highlights DDN/DSN converted to Export DDN=DSN SORT/SYNCSORT converted to ‘uvsort’ IEBGENER/IDCAMS converted to ‘uvcp’ GDG files converted to ksh functions Console logging Micro Focus COBOL animation made easy Replacements for Ditto, Dyl280, Easytrieve $RUNDATA/$RUNLIBS testing/production Laser scripts, 132 cols x 66 lines on 8½ x 11
JCL Conversion Example #1 sample JCL & script (1 step COBOL) Korn shell script equivalent
JCL Conversion Ex#2 (SORT) sample JCL & script (SORT/uvsort) Ksh script (uvsort + cobol)
SyncSort conversion to ‘uvsort’ Syncsort functionality at lower cost INCLUDEs, OMITs, SUMs, OUTREC, etc. Uvsort sels, dels, sums, mvcs, etc. sample INCLUDE AND/OR conditions
JCL Conversion #3 (GDG files) GDG files supported by ksh functions exportgen0, exportgen1, exportgenp sample JCL & script with GDG files Korn shell script equivalent
IEBGENER & IDCAMS IEBGENER converted to ‘uvcp’ IDCAMS REPRO converted to ‘uvcp’ IEBGENER & IDCAMS JCL sample Korn shell script equivalent
COBOL porting to Micro Focus Not much to do, but saves manual editing Insert EXTERNAL on select/assign stmts Translate to lower case except in quotes –more modern appearance –easier to edit with unix/linux editors (vi,etc) Insert detail file status test code –For Micro Focus extended file status display
Data Conversion Translate EBCDIC to ASCII –Preserving packed/binary fields –Correcting zoned signs to ASCII standards Conversion jobs generated from copybooks –and LISTCAT file specs 1 script to generate all conversion jobs 1 command to convert all data files
Data Conversion Example Data conversions generated from copybooks Sample copybook (citytax1.cpy) CobMap record layout from copybook Sample cobmap ( Data conversion job (uvcopy) Sample uvcopy data conversion job (citytax1.uv)
Data File specs from LISTCAT LISTCAT info completes conversion jobs –Info added to copybook/cobmap/uvcopy job –Data filename, file type, Indexed keys Sample LISTCAT & extracted control file uvcopy job completed by control file
Converting flat files to RDBMS Convert data to pipe delimited text files –Packed/binary fields edited signs & decimal pts Packed/binary fields unpacked & edited –Conversion jobs auto-gen’d from copybooks SQL loader control file also generated Sample pipe delimited output file Sample uvcopy job to perform pipe delimit Sample loader control file
Conversion Directories For JCL,COBOL,& Data conversions Conversion Libraries Data directories for testing or production sample test data subdirs
Scripts to convert All JCL/COBOL/DATA jcl2ksh5A – convert All JCL to ksh cnvMF5A – convert all COBOL to Micro Focus gencnvC - generate all Data conversion jobs uvcopyxx ‘pfx2/*’ - execute all data convert jobs
Scripts to convert 1 JCL/COBOL/DataFile jcl2ksh51 – convert 1 JCL to ksh cnvMF51 – convert 1 program to MicroFocus gencnvB – convert 1 datafile to ASCII genpipeA – convert 1 file to pipe-delimited uvcopy pfx3/datafilename – execute 1 conversion job
Testing & Debugging Aids uvhd & uvhdcob – data file investigation –Browse, search, update, print, etc uvhd – sample EBCDIC file display –uvhd dat1ebc/custmas1 r256s3a uvhd – sample ASCII file display –uvhd dat2asc/custmas1 r256s3 uvhdcob – sample record display –uvhdcob dat2asc/custmas1 maps/custmas1
COBOL Cross-References xcobcall1 – list called programs in each program xcobcall2 – crossref programs calling any 1 program xcobcopy1 – list copybooks in each program xcobcopy2 – crossref programs using any 1 copybook cobfiles - COBOL files report –organization, access, open-mode, recsize, copybook,
JCL Cross-References xjkshfile1 – list datafiles in each JCL/script xjkshfile2 – crossref programs using any 1 datafile xjkshprog1 – list programs in each JCL/script xjkshprog2 – crossref JCL/scripts using any 1 program Jobflow reports – generated from JCL + COBOL programs –Show file I/O from step to step in multi-step jobs –Sample jobflow reportSample jobflow report
Converting DYL280 to uv… Sample#1 – file init (write 1 blank/zero rec) Mainframe DYL280 code Equivalent uvcp Equivalent uvcopy Sample#2 – add records to an indexed file Mainframe DYL280 code Equivalent uvcopy
Pre-Programmed jobs (uvcopy) table2 – table summaries by arguments –Table entries limited only by memory –Table dumped at EOF in argument sequence –Percentages on every line of 100% total line Sample input data file Sample table summary report Operating instructions & console displays uvcopy job equivalent
Replacements for Mainframe Utilities Uvqrpg – Report Generator –up to 8 page headings & footers –up to 8 control break fields & total levels –up to 100 accumulators per level –built in sort Sample input file Sample output report Sample uvqrpg code
Free Sample Conversions sample JCL for conversion –Korn shell scripts returned within 48 hours Send 1 zip file including: –Up to 10 JCLs (representative variety) –Any referenced PROCs –Any control cards (SYSIN library modules) –for SORT FIELDS, IKJEFT01 params, etc to
Conversion Plan – phase 1 Training & Conversion jumpstart –3 or 4 weeks of onsite assistance –by UVSI, TxMQ, or Travancore personnel –Train customer team to use conversion tools –Convert all JCLs, COBOLs,& Data files –Test/debug 1 st few JCL/scripts & programs
Conversion plan – phase 2 & 3 Testing & Debugging –3 to 12 months depending on project size –By customer conversion team –aided by TxMQ or Travancore as desired Go Live –Usually over a weekend