NC Regions Presentation
NC Regions caitlin
Coastal Plains caitlin
Basic Facts – Coastal Plains There are lots of attractions at the costal plains like, swimming and fishing also going up in a lighthouses North Carolina has up to 1,500 lakes
climate (coastal plains) The temp. is around Fahrenheit The climate is hot (very warm)
Landforms – Coastal Plain 1 landform for coastal plain is flat land Also some small hills There are protect islands called barrir islands they are those little lines on the edge of the icon below
Climate- Coastal Plains The climate for the coastal plains is sort of warm On an average day it’s around fahrenheit It’s also a temp. zone
Attractions- Coastal Plain 1(one) cool attraction are the beaches of the coastal plains Another attraction is swimming A big attraction are the carnivals they have The last attraction is collecting sea shells
Other Cool Facts- Coastal Plains 1.One cool fact is there are spansh horess that have lived for around, 170 years ago! 2.Also,ice cream is a popular food in summer
Piedmont caitlin
Basic Facts-Piedmont 1 BIG attraction are lot’s of the big malls Also amusemt parks “piedmont” in french means “foot of the mountion” Ever greens come from the mountions of north carolina!!!
Climate in the Piedmont The climate in the piedmont is warm with a winter chill
Landforms-Piedmont 1 ( one) landform for the piedmont are the small hills Another landform is the smooth gravel
Other Interesting Facts-Piedmont One cool fact is that the piedmont has tall sky skrapers Also you can shop at the mall
Attractions-coastal plains 1 (one) BIG attraction are the super LARGE malls Another attraction are the restaraunts Also riding bikes is a attraction
The Mountain Region
Landforms-Mountain Region A famous landform are the super tall mountions Another are the lakes Also super steep hills Lastley, smooth valleys
Attractions-Mountain Region Ziplining is a cool attraction Also hikeing is a popular attraction Lasty going to bars
Climate- Mountain Region The climate is COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT CAN GET TO 60 DEGREES BELOW 20 DEGREES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
Basic Facts-Mountain Region 1 bacic fact is a commen sport is sking Also the mountion region is covered in snow Another fact is that you have to sleep in a cabin
Other Cool Facts-Mountain Region The mountion region is full of nater The mountion region is a good vaction place
In my opinion… In my opinion I like the coastel plains because I live there