APPLAUSE noun – the clapping of hands to show approval
DEBUT noun – first public performance
DUO noun – two performers singing or playing together
EMBARRASSED verb – self-conscious and ill at ease
FORTY-FIVE RECORD noun – a small record with one musical selection on each side
LIMELIGHT noun – focus of public attention
PANTOMIME noun – theatrical acting that is done in silence
REHEARSAL noun – practice for a public performance
TALENT noun – a special natural or acquired ability
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE Reference Sources: telephone directory, thesaurus, dictionary, atlas, almanac, and encyclopedia When you have a specific question, you should decide which source is most likely to contain the answer.
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) telephone directory – lists phone numbers and addresses for individuals, businesses, and government agencies thesaurus – lists synonyms and antonyms for many words
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) dictionary – provides the spelling and pronunciation of a word, its meanings, and sometimes its history. atlas – mainly contains maps; indexes tell where to find cities, states, countries, and geographical features
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) almanac – is updated every year; contains brief facts about history, sports events, countries, and other subjects encyclopedia – gives the most important facts about a subject
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison the meaning of stereophonic synonym for city how a cd is made address of the nearest supermarket where Nashville, Tennessee is located current population of Dallas what local shops sell guitars
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison encyclopediathe meaning of stereophonic synonym for city how a cd is made address of the nearest supermarket where Nashville, Tennessee is located current population of Dallas what local shops sell guitars
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison encyclopediathe meaning of stereophonic synonym for city thesaurushow a cd is made address of the nearest supermarket where Nashville, Tennessee is located current population of Dallas what local shops sell guitars
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison encyclopediathe meaning of stereophonic synonym for city thesaurushow a cd is made address of the nearest supermarket telephone book where Nashville, Tennessee is located current population of Dallas what local shops sell guitars
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison encyclopediathe meaning of stereophonic synonym for city thesaurushow a cd is made address of the nearest supermarket telephone book where Nashville, Tennessee is located current population of Dallas almanacwhat local shops sell guitars
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison encyclopediathe meaning of stereophonic dictionary synonym for city thesaurushow a cd is made address of the nearest supermarket telephone book where Nashville, Tennessee is located current population of Dallas almanacwhat local shops sell guitars
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison encyclopediathe meaning of stereophonic dictionary synonym for city thesaurushow a cd is made encyclopedia address of the nearest supermarket telephone book where Nashville, Tennessee is located current population of Dallas almanacwhat local shops sell guitars
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison encyclopediathe meaning of stereophonic dictionary synonym for city thesaurushow a cd is made encyclopedia address of the nearest supermarket telephone book where Nashville, Tennessee is located atlas current population of Dallas almanacwhat local shops sell guitars
SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE REFERENCE SOURCE (CONT.) SubjectWhich source? SubjectWhich source? other inventions of Edison encyclopediathe meaning of stereophonic dictionary synonym for city thesaurushow a cd is made encyclopedia address of the nearest supermarket telephone book where Nashville, Tennessee is located atlas current population of Dallas almanacwhat local shops sell guitars telephone book
STORY STRUCTURE Story elements include: the characters the setting of the story the events that make up the plot, including the story’s problem and solution
ACTION VERBS An action verb tells what the subject does or did. A verb is the main word or words in the complete predicate.
DIRECT OBJECTS A direct object is a noun or pronoun in the predicate that receives the action of the verb. It answers the question What? or Whom? Not every action verb has a direct object.
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. Some contestants practice their acts for weeks.
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. pantomimed Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. Some contestants practice their acts for weeks.
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. pantomimedsong Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. Some contestants practice their acts for weeks.
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. pantomimedsong Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. ripped A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. Some contestants practice their acts for weeks.
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. pantomimedsong Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. rippedneedle A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. Some contestants practice their acts for weeks.
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. pantomimedsong Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. rippedneedle A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. seeks Some contestants practice their acts for weeks.
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. pantomimedsong Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. rippedneedle A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. seeksvolunteers Some contestants practice their acts for weeks.
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. pantomimedsong Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. rippedneedle A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. seeksvolunteers Some contestants practice their acts for weeks. practice
SentenceVerbDirect Object (Who? or What?) Manuel pantomimed to a familiar song. pantomimedsong Mr. Roybal ripped the needle across the record. rippedneedle A coordinator seeks volunteers for a talent show. seeksvolunteers Some contestants practice their acts for weeks. practiceacts
ROOTS SPEC/T & OPT spec or spect means “to look”. spec is found in many words that have to do with looking or seeing opt means “eye”. WordMeaning respect spectator optometrist optical
ROOTS SPEC/T & OPT spec or spect means “to look”. spec is found in many words that have to do with looking or seeing opt means “eye”. WordMeaning respectlook up to (a person) spectator optometrist optical
ROOTS SPEC/T & OPT spec or spect means “to look”. spec is found in many words that have to do with looking or seeing opt means “eye”. WordMeaning respectlook up to (a person) spectatora person who looks on optometrist optical
ROOTS SPEC/T & OPT spec or spect means “to look”. spec is found in many words that have to do with looking or seeing opt means “eye”. WordMeaning respectlook up to (a person) spectatora person who looks on optometristeye doctor optical
ROOTS SPEC/T & OPT spec or spect means “to look”. spec is found in many words that have to do with looking or seeing opt means “eye”. WordMeaning respectlook up to (a person) spectatora person who looks on optometristeye doctor opticalpertaining to sight or vision
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/, /ô/ /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou /ô/ /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,oufound /ô/ /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found /ô/ /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/ /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/awhawk /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw au hawk /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw au hawk fault /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw au letter a followed by l hawk fault /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw au letter a followed by l hawk fault bald /oi/
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw au letter a followed by l hawk fault bald /oi/oi
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw au letter a followed by l hawk fault bald /oi/oinoisy
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw au letter a followed by l hawk fault bald /oi/oi oy noisy
THE /OU/, /Ô/, AND /OI/ SOUNDS SoundLettersExamples /ou/,ou ow found drown /ô/aw au letter a followed by l hawk fault bald /oi/oi oy noisy royal
MULTIPLE-MEANING WORDS In the dictionary, the base form of the word is shown first, followed by its pronunciation part of speech and one or more definitions. For words that have multiple meanings, the most commonly used meaning appears first as the definition. Each definition is preceded by a boldfaced number. Sometimes a sample phrase is given to show how the word is used.
MULTIPLE-MEANING WORDS hand /hænd/ noun 1. the terminal, prehensile part of the upper limb in humans and other primates, consisting of the wrist, metacarpal area, fingers, and thumb. verb (used with object) 2. to deliver or pass with or as if with the hand. E xamples: M y left hand hurts. (noun) S he handed me a pencil. (verb)
ONLINE RESOURCES Ritchie Valens – La Bamba (song) 1DNw La Bamba (selection) 17k