W HAT IS M USIC ? is an art form whose medium is sound and silence.
E LEMENTS OF M USIC Rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. ) Pitch (governs melody and harmony),
C LASSICAL M USIC Classical music is the main form of music prevailed in the world before the 20th century.. In the world of Western music, the works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven are defined as classical music. Classical music may also refer to the local and folk music of any particular country or region.
R OCK Rock music came into existence in the rock and roll era of the 1950s Rock music has its focus mainly on guitars, drums and heavy vocals. Elvis Presley and The Beatles are considered to be the pioneers of rock music.
H EAVY M ETAL Heavy metal music, also known as ‘information music’, started off after the Second World War. It includes various sub-genres, such as thrash metal, death metal, black metal and so on. The songs are loud, fast and aggressive with some heavy use of the guitar and drums, and lot of screaming, mostly in death metal
J AZZ Cornet, trumpet, saxophone, piano and violin are the main instruments used in jazz music. Jazz music carries a strong and intricate rhythm and is a lot influenced by the blues.
T RANCE Characterized by fast beats. Trance music is mostly played in clubs and discotheques, for listeners to groove and dance.
H IP -H OP Hip-hop music originated among the Black American during the 1970s. Hip-hop employs bass as the main instrument and includes rapping and audio mixing.
F OLK M USIC Folk music or traditional music mirrors the needs, desire, likes, dislikes and life of the local people. Folk music mostly depicts the struggle for survival and culture of the people.
T ECHNO Techno, also known as fusion, is an electronic dance music influenced from the African American styles like funk, electro and electric jazz Instruments are synthesizers, drum machines, multi-tracking and hardware sequencers for creating harmony..
W RITE THE TITLE OF THE SONG Make it Catchy Example: Better than Revenge – Taylor Swift You can’t break a broken heart –Kate Voegele
F ROM THE TITLE, CONSTRUCT YOUR LYRICS Ask yourself: What is about the title? What happens? What are the emotions you want to convey? Who are you pertaining to?
P ARTS OF THE SONG Verse: The verse lyrics give us information about the situation, emotions, or people in the song. Chorus: The chorus lyrics sums up the heart of the song. The title of the song almost always appears in the chorus section and may be repeated two or more times. Bridge: It provides a break from the repetition of verse and chorus. The lyric often provides an insight or revealing moment. Pre-chorus: Creates a sense of anticipation, the chorus has even more punch when it finally arrives.
T HE M ELODY It should be appropriate with the meaning of the song. Involves the beat, pitch, and tone.
A DD SOME ACCOMPANIMENT The instrument/s should be appropriate for the tone of the song. Includes the Emotion