Why did Martin Luther king Jr. decide to lead the civil rights movement? -Martin Luther King was a very smart person and a hard worker. He skipped both the 9 th and 12 th grades, going into Morehouse college at the age of fifteen. -in 1948 he graduated from Morehouse college with a B.A. degree in sociology. That fall he enrolled in Crozer Theolgical Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. At this time he also studied at the University of Pennsylvania. He was elected president of the senior class and delivered the valedictory address and also won the Pearl Plafker Award for the most outstanding student. He was awarded a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Cozer in 1951 ("Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch.”). - He wanted change and did not like how life was for blacks in this time and knew that someone had to do something to one day become equal to whites.
Who inspired Martin Luther King Jr. to become involved in the rights of African Americans? He was inspired from both his Christian faith and the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi ("About Dr. King | The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.“).
How did Martin Luther King Jr. childhood influence his adult life? As a young man he was greatly influenced by his church. His grandfather and father were both pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He also later in his life became co pastor ("Martin Luther King - Biography.").
What would the world be like now if Martin Luther King Jr. never existed? -African Americans wouldn’t have as many rights as they do today. Another man would of came along and do similar things that Martin Luther King did to become equal to whites, but life today would be different. -Martin Luther king’s method of getting equality worked so well because he used non-violence to get what he wanted while most people used violence to get what they wanted whether it had to do with civil rights or not. -He knew violence was not going to accomplish anything. Many other people didn’t think this method would work. So if Martin Luther King Jr. never existed, maybe another person would’ve came along to change the life of blacks but in a different way then Martin Luther King Jr. A way that wouldn’t be as effective as what Martin Luther King Jr. did.
How did society reward Martin Luther King Jr.? Martin Luther King Jr. got many awards in his life time. -As a young man he won a pearl plafker award for most outstanding student. -he was awarded a bachelor of divinity degree -He was awarded honorary degrees from numerous colleges and universities in the U.S and several foreign countries. -He also won the noble piece prize as a young adult. -Congress passed landmark civil rights act in 1964 and voting rights act in Even though he had won many awards in his lifetime, these were probably the most rewarding to him. It showed him that all of his and the community’s hard work was worth it. -After he was assassinated, there was a day created honoring his existence and what he did for the world ("Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch.”).
What made Martin Luther King Jr. want to fight for civil rights? -Martin Luther King Jr. was brought up in a very religious home. -He was very smart from the start of his life, he graduated high school at the age of fifteen (skipping the 9 th and 12 th grades) -He was an extremely hard worker throughout his whole life. -He liked speaking publicly and was good at it. -He wanted change and knew someone had to do something about it.