36 Categories “Flâneur” “Boredom” “Dream city” “Catacombs” “Advertising” “Prostitution” “Baudelaire” “Theory of progress”
Flâneur Flâneur (pronounced: [fl ɑ nœ ʁ ]), from the French noun flâ neur, means "stroller", "lounger", "saunterer", or "loafer". Flânerie refers to the act of strolling, with all of its accom panying associations. A near-synonym is boulevardier. The flâneur was, first of all, a literary type from 19th cent ury France, essential to any picture of the streets of Pari s. The word carried a set of rich associations: the man of leisure, the idler, the urban explorer, the connoisseur of t he street. It was Walter Benjamin, drawing on the poetry of Charles Baudelaire, who made this figure the object of scholarly interest in the 20th century, as an emblematic archetype of urban, modern experience.[1] Following Be njamin, the flâneur has become an important symbol for scholars, artists and writers.
Boredom Boredom is an emotional state experienced when an indivi dual is left without anything in particular to do, and not inte rested in their surroundings. The first recorded use of the word boredom is in the novel Bleak House by Charles Dic kens, written in 1852, in which it appears six times, althou gh the expression to be a bore had been used in print in th e sense of "to be tiresome or dull" since 1768.The French term for boredom, ennui, is sometimes used in English as well.
Dream city Paris is full of beautiful architecture and museums showc asing fine art from some of the world’s most respected ar tists. Between the 1500s and 1800s, Paris was in fact th e largest city in the entire world. The romantic reputation of Paris is likely to come from stories of Casanova’s pres ence in the city and his seductive and promiscuous ways If I had a chance to travel, I would definitely love to go to Paris, France. Why I want to visit Paris the most out of al l the other places in the world? I was inspired by some o f the movies I used to watch when I was little. There is al ways a scene where there is romance or happiness and that scene will definitely take place in the beautiful capita l of France, Paris. Besides, I would absolutely love to se e the amazing Eiffel Tower with my very own eyes and n ot just in photographs or accessories. Paris, the capital ci ty of France is often known as the city of romance and is a city steeped in art and culture.
catacombs Catacombs are human-made subterranean passageways for religious practice. Any chamber used as a burial place is a catacomb, although the word is most commonly associated with the Roman Empire. Many are under cities and have been popularized by stories of their use as war refuges, smugglers' hideouts, or meeting places for cults.
advertising Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support.
prostitution Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sex ual relations in exchange for payment[1][2] or some othe r benefit. Prostitution is sometimes described as commer cial sex. A person who works in this field is called a prostitute, an d is a kind of sex worker. Prostitution is one of the branc hes of the sex industry. The legal status of prostitution va ries from country to country (sometimes from region to re gion within a given country), ranging from being permissi ble but unregulated, to an enforced or unenforced crime, or a regulated profession. It is sometimes referred to eup hemistically as "the world's oldest profession".
baudelaire Charles Pierre Baudelaire (/ ˌ bo ʊ dəl ˈɛ ər/;[1] French: [ ʃ a ʁ l bodl ɛʁ ]; April 9, 1821 – August 31, 1867) was a French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe. Les Fleurs du mal , also translated as "Flowers of Evil" is the French poet Charles Baudelaire poems published in 1857 works, decadence and sexual content of material, and Symbolism and Modernism literature development has a significant impact.
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