Free Icons! Provided by Andrew Sellon
How to Create These Icons 1.Go to Insert, Shapes, and choose Oval (or whatever shape you prefer). Draw the shape you want on your slide. Keep the default color of blue or choose your own to match the color theme of your project. 2.From your Home tab, choose Quick Styles, and pick a style that you like. In this example, I chose a white border with a subtle outline. 3.Right-click your object, click Format shape, and choose Glow and soft edges. Choose the glow variation you like. 4.From the same menu, choose Shadow, and add a shadow that pleases you. I chose the first, Offset Bottom Diagonal Right, and adjusted the Distance slightly. 5.Choose a font you like, or select icons from the three Wingdings groups on your font drop-down menu. Put one character in your object. Resize and bold it as needed to fill your object without crowding it. Use the same Glow and Shadow options on your character. Now make lots of copies of this finished object, and just change the character in each to create a complete set of custom icons. TIP: Copy your set of icons and use gradients or textures in the object to create another set with a completely different look