EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.»


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Presentation transcript:

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Presentation of the national experimentations in the Czech Republic

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Training course for Internal mediator Organisational garant : VUSTE ENVIS, Ltd. Vocational and certification garant : BIVS – UNIVERSITY – Cerfitication :

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Training course for Internal mediator VUSTE ENVIS, Ltd. made experimentation of the training course for Internal mediators in cooperation with BIVS – private University. The training course was proceeded in 4 two days intensive sessions between January 11. until February Final exam :

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Selection of participants Number of applicants : 14 Selected participants : 12 Graduates : 7

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Reference Frame of Internal mediator

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP During the training course were used reference frames which was evaluated by staff of BIVS private university and accredited by principal law the university in correspondence of the law valides in the Czech Republic. Participants and also trainers made evaluation In the end of each training section. This evaluation is described in special report as an enclosure. The participants have received certificates during the special official meeting from Viceprincipal of BIVS University on the March

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Training course for External mediator Organisational garant : VUSTE ENVIS, Ltd. Vocational and certification garant : BIVS – UNIVERSITY – Cerfitication :

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Training course for External mediator VUSTE ENVIS, Ltd. made experimentation of the training course for External mediators in cooperation with BIVS – private University. The training course was proceeded in 4 two days intensive sessions between January 11. until February Final exam :

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Selection of participants Number of applicants : 15 Selected participants : 12 Graduates : 7

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Reference Frame of External mediator

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP During the training course were used reference frames which was evaluated by staff of BIVS private university and accredited by principal law the university in correspondence of the law valides in the Czech Republic. Participants and also trainers made evaluation In the end of each training section. This evaluation is described in special report as an enclosure. The participants have received certificates during the special official meeting from Viceprincipal of BIVS University on the March

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Evaluation by participants and teachers Expectations and needs of participants: The participants were asked to answer questions concerning their needs and expectations before the course. See enclosure.

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Evaluation made by participants The participants were asked to fulfill evaluation questionaires after each thematic unit. See enclosure.

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Evaluation made by the teachers The teachers were asked to short evaluation form after the end of the both courses.

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Do you think that there is a need to educate workers in the field of human resources with focus on mediation? I am convinced that mediation is a significant method of working even for the field of human resources. I deem it to be essential because only this way we can activate another workers in the future (in particular those of „hard core, long term unemployed“ - see examples from Slovenia). Certainly yes. It will very likely take some time before this type of mediation will become generaly recognized and used. Yes when you consider the growing interest of the state and employers to employ even some of those groups of people that were till recent times in disadvantaged position on the labour market. In my opinion mediators could very well serve as internal specialists or external coworkers of employment offices or as internal specialists in HR departments of different enterprises or in employment agencies.

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Do you think that the course content (individual topic blocks) corresponds with educational needs? In case of „no“ answer, can you please suggest modifications of the educational programme? In this case where the education just starts, I would probably lean more on the feedback from its first graduates. Moreless yes. Maybe the overall concept and topics arrangement could be reconsidered. I can't pass any complex judgement on this one. Yes, each topic block of the educational programme contains all basic knowledge necessary for mediation. The psychology part – soft skills – is sufficient in content and extent of the topic blocks.

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Do you have any recommendation related to the topic that you teach? In this case where the education just starts, I would probably lean more on the feedback from its first graduates Maybe it could be useful to insert it into a bigger unit related to issues of company management, negotiations with different interest groups around the company etc. In case the NSK and practical implications of the Law Nr. 176/2006 will start to operate then would be good to prepare examples adequate for the target group with which the course participants work.

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Other proposals for modification of existing courses. It would be useful to think about how to present these courses to the public – among others also in the frame of support for perception of the problem in relationship between employer – employee and employment related issues generally.

EUROJOBMEDIATOR 2 « Creation of a reference frame and accreditation of a mediator training for a durable insertion in entreprise of young people in difficulty.» - Convention N° 2006-FR/06/B/P/PP Thank you for your attention. Pavel Cihak VUSTE ENVIS, Ltd. Velflikova 10, Prague 6 Czech Republic Tel: Fax: