Applications for CBX Sludge Blanket Meter Savings and optimization of the process
Sludge Blanket Measuring
What is a sludge blanket meter? Definition? - Measures interface between water and sludge or solids in a clarifier or settling tank Measuring methods: - Manual (Sludge Judge = Monitoring) - Ultrasonic sensor - Suspended solids sensor (CBX) - Suspended solids sensor (CBX) CBX is the most accurate, reliable and repeatable sensor in the market! Sludge Blanket Meter
The customers sludge process? Sludge dewatering Polymer Thickener? - Sedimentation or Mechanical? Primary clarifier? Sludge storage - tanks? Dewatering equipment?
How is the sludge currently controlled? Pumps run on timer? Sludge or not? Does pumping of excess water occur? Consistent & higher TSS% from thickener or sedimentation? Control of sludge level? Reduce energy costs???
How is the outgoing sludge controlled today? Energy efficient??? NO WAY!!!
How does it look? Thickening or Sludge Clear water or Supernatant
Too much water? Thin sludge or fluff only
Too much sludge? Over loaded & Fluff in Supernatant
Sludge Profile
Sludge Blanket and Fluff level
High fluff level is detected! High Fluff
Digester and thickener Digester When water goes into the digester more energy is needed to heat up the water By controlling the sludge level, the sludge TSS can be increased from 3% to 4% which means 25% reduction in sludge volume Energy is saved by not heating excess water Heat % TSS ??
CBX at Västerås WWTP -increased TSS by 10,000 ppm -saves 700,000 kwh/year -pay back time CBX: 26 days! - Report available
Optimize the sludge process Let the sludge level control the pump operation Less wasting saves pumping energy $$$$ Polymer dosing – even or more consistant TSS % of sludge Dewatering Polymer
If the dewatering is not working? Sludge dewatering Polymer You will pay extra for chemicals and transportation of water!
Early warning of settling problems Warning of change in sedimentation properties Polymer dosing is required – to avoid sludge wash out Sand filter Polymer
Where did the activated sludge go? Secondary Clarifier
Why measure sludge level? Optimize the dewatering process Decrease the chemical consumption Decrease the energy consumption Better control and prevention of settling problems! Save money and operational time!
Installations in Sweden
Report from IVL Swedish Environmental Institute CBX Sludge level defined as concentration Possible to measure 2 levels – Fluff & Blanket Is not effected by change in sedimentation properties Can show a profile Works no matter what type of settling properties! Ultra Sonic Measures difference in density by seeing it Measures only 1 level but not accurately Effected by poor settling sludge Cannot show a profile Is disturbed by change in sedimentation properties or density
Cerlic CBX – The Best Solution to Control Your Sludge Properties