C GENRES IN LITERATURE How many are there?
Think about what you read… Are there certain things you would prefer to read? Give me some examples? Why do you like those types of literature over others? How did you discover this?
Why does it matter what you like? Reading is a skill that will help you in every area of study, not just English class. The best way to get better is to practice, so you should read for your own enjoyment. A lot of students don't read because they haven't figured out what they like yet. They've only read what their teachers have assigned. Let's talk about the different genres, or types, of literature so that you can figure out what you might like.
Genre is a fancy word for type There are four major genres: - Fiction - Non-fiction - Poetry - Drama
Fiction literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
Subgenres of Fiction Fantasy - Fiction that has story elements that are not realistic Folklore - Passed down through oral tradition Horror - creates intense events that gives readers a sense of being scared Romance - the story revolves around a love relationship between characters. Science Fiction- Stories that blend fact and fiction with futuristic technology Historical Fiction- Made up stories that take place in a particular time period and may contain historical facts.
Nonfiction prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people, such as biography or history.
Subgenres of Nonfiction Autobiography - Writer tells the story of his/her own life Biography - A factual story about a real person Informational Text- Non-fiction that gives facts on a variety of subjects
Poetry literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature
Drama a play for theater, radio, or television
Let’s see what you know… With the others at your table, make a list of at least three different pieces of each genre. For example: I might list the following under fantasy: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Vampire Academy. I would list those under fantasy because they all contain elements that are not real. Now your turn- you have 5 minutes!!!!