Do Now Activity: Label your map with: Compass Rose 7 continents 4 oceans Equator (0 degrees latitude) Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude)
Where in the world are you???? Geography Where in the world are you????
Geography The climate, resources, and physical features of an area “Geo” means earth “Graphia” means a way of drawing, writing, or describing
---Five Themes of Geography--- when geographers study an area, what questions do they ask? Place—what is it like? Interaction---how do people use and impact the environment? Movement---how do people relate to people in other areas? Region—what common characteristics does a certain area share? Location---where is it? Relative Absolute
Theme #1: Place—What is it like? What is East Hampton like? Beautiful ocean and bay beaches Farm fields Small villages People come to vacation Crowded in the summer Quiet in the winter
Theme #2: Interaction: how do people use and interact with the environment? Pave roads Clear forests Build houses on farm fields Build jetties on beaches
Theme #3: Movement: How do people relate people in other areas? Tourists!!! Second home owners!!!! Traffic!!!! Crowded beaches!!!! Prosperous businesses Valuable real estate Lots of jobs
Theme #4: Region: What common characteristics does a certain area share? What region do we belong to? Cold winters Warm summers Lots of coastline Moderate rainfall
. . . 5. Location: where are you? RELATIVE (location described by referring to the location of something else) For example, “I am sitting next to John. . .. “ (Psst what if John moves? How can I find you?) ABSOLUTE (location which can be pin pointed regardless of the location of anything else) To pin point location, use LATITUDE and LONGITUDE
Use your imagination. . . Latitude imaginary lines which circle the globe from east to west
The EQUATOR The EQUATOR is 0 degrees latitude and divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres (halves) All latitude lines above the equator are north latitude and those below the equator are south latitude
Can I find you? Put your finger on 30 degrees north latitude. Where are you?
Are you in. . . TEXAS ? CHINA ? IRAQ ? MOROCCO ?
You need to know Longitude and the Prime Meridian Longitude—imaginary lines which circle the globe from north to south The Prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude and divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres All lines of longitude east of the P.M. are east longitude and all lines west of the P.M. are west longitude
Can I find you? Put your finger somewhere on 165 degrees EAST longitude. Where are you? Put your finger somewhere on 165 degrees WEST longitude.
You need to put latitude and longitude together. . . Where are you if you are on 30 degrees north latitude and . . . 120 east longitude? Where are you? China
You need to put latitude and longitude together. . . Where are you if you are on 30 degrees north latitude and . . . 2. 60 east longitude? IRAN
Now let’s put latitude and longitude together. . . Where are you if you are on 30 degrees north latitude and . . . 3. 90 west longitude? New Orleans, La.
Now let’s put latitude and longitude together. . . Where are you if you are on 30 degrees north latitude and . . . 4. 135 degrees west longitude? Pacific Ocean
How do I read a map? Read the key Identify the symbols Make sure you are “going” in the right direction Find the compass rose and read it clockwise Remember Never Eat Sour Watermelons
On your world map, label the following: Compass Rose 7 continents 4 oceans Equator (0 degrees latitude) Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude)
Types of Maps Political Maps--- Physical Maps--- Show man made features such as boundaries, cities, capitals Physical Maps--- Show physical features such as mountains, lakes, and rivers If I’m planning a hiking trip, which map do I want to use? If I want to find the capital of Louisiana what type of map do I use?