Shaping Hearts For God Series High School Bible Class Vegas Drive Church of Christ Las Vegas, NV Studies in the Life of Jesus Christ
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN LESSON SEVENTEEN Today’s Lesson: That’s A Miracle! Theme: Believing in Jesus because of His miracles Objective: To understand that the signs Jesus worked proved that He is the Son of God Key passages: John 20:30-31; 6:1-4; Luke 8:22-31; Luke 13:10-17
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN What is a miracle? – Who was able to work miracles in the Bible? – Do people still work miracles today? John 20:30-31 – Why did John write about Jesus’ miracles? John 6:1-14 – Why did Jesus ask His apostles where they were going to buy bread for the crowd? – How many baskets of leftovers did they collect? – Did this miracle cause people to believe in Him then? – Does this miracle cause people to believe in Him today?
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Luke 8:22-31 – What did Jesus ask His apostles after He calmed the storm? – What did the apostles ask themselves after Jesus calmed it? – What did Legion call Jesus and what did he beg of Jesus? Luke 13:10-17 – Why was the ruler of the synagogue upset at Jesus? – How did the crowd react to Jesus healing the woman? Next time: Lesson 18!