Jesus the miracle worker
Stories that you need to know A man with an evil spirit Jesus heals many people A man with a dreaded skin disease A paralysed man A man with a paralysed hand Jairus’ daughter The bleeding woman Jesus feeds the 5000 The Syro-Phoenician woman’s daughter A boy with an evil spirit
A man with an evil spirit Who? Jesus and his disciples Where? In a Synagogue in Capernaum When? The Sabbath What? Jesus taught with authority unlike the teachers of the law. A man came into the synagogue screaming “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Are you here to destroy us? I know who you are – you are God’s holy messenger!” Jesus said “Be quiet and come out of the man!” The evil spirit shook the man, screamed and came out of him. Why? The people where amazed because even spirits obeyed him. Was it new teaching? News of this spread quickly.
Key points This is the first miracle in Mark’s Gospel. The world at that time thought spirits could possess people and cause mental and physical illness. The evil spirit recognised Jesus, calling him “God’s holy messenger”. Contest between good and evil! Jesus showed his authority and won. The people still did not recognise who Jesus was but news spread.
Jesus heals many people Who? Jesus, disciples, James and John, Simon, Andrew and Simon’s mother-in-law. Where? Simon’s mother-in-laws house. Why? Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever. What? Jesus took her by the hand, helped her up and she began to wait on them. That evening people brought the sick to Jesus, they gathered at the front door. Jesus healed the sick and those with demons. He did not let the demons say who he was!
Key points Simon’s mother-in-law possibly had malaria or a flu. The fact that she immediately began waiting on them shows how miraculous the speed of her recovery was. Jesus broke the law by helping her on the Sabbath (you could only help people if their life was at risk). Jesus wanted people to follow him for his teaching and not his miracles (silenced demons).
A man with a dreaded skin disease Who? Jesus and a man with a skin disease. What? The man begged Jesus for help, “If you want can make me clean”. Jesus said “I want to” and touched him & he was immediately cured. Jesus told him to tell no one and told him to go straight to the Priest to examine him then offer sacrifices to Moses. The man told everyone and Jesus could not go into the town, people went to him! Why? The man was an outcast and Jesus took pity on him. Where? Outside a town
Key points Leprosy was common at the time of Jesus. Jewish Scriptures gave strict instructions on how to prevent the spread of such diseases. People thought it was contagious and treated lepers as outcasts. The only time Jesus healed out of pity! Jesus touched the man making him ‘unclean’, this would have shocked people. Jesus did not like this law separating society. The priest was the only one who could declare a person clean. Messianic secret – tell no one!
A man with a dreaded skin disease Message: God is concerned about ALL Christians and will reach out to them. We should care for those shunned by society and reach out to them!
A paralysed man Who? Jesus, crowd, four friends and a paralysed man. What? Jesus was at home and a crowd came to hear him preach. The four men could not get through, they went up to the roof and made a hole, they lowered their friend and seeing their faith Jesus said “My Son your sins are forgiven.” Why? Teachers of the Law were annoyed at this and thought it was blasphemy as only God can forgive sins. Jesus said is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or pick up your mat? “I will prove the Son of Man has authority over sins, get up, pick up your mat and go” and he did. They were amazed saying “We have never seen anything like this.” Where? Capernaum
Key points Marks the beginning of conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders! Jesus was impressed by the faith of the four friends. The Pharisees believed Jesus was guilty of blasphemy – only God can forgive sins, Jesus was claiming to be equal to God! This is the only time Jesus claims to have authority to forgive sins.
A man with a paralysed hand Who? Jesus, man with a paralysed hand, Pharisees and members of Herod’s party. What? People were watching Jesus closely to see what he would do, he brought the man up to the front and asked “What does our law allow us to do on the Sabbath? To help or to harm? To save someone’s life or destroy it? They said nothing as they were stubborn and wrong. Jesus asked him to stretch out his hand and it became well. The Pharisees left and met with Herod’s party to plan to kill Jesus. When? Sabbath day Where? Synagogue Why? You could not work on the Sabbath.
Key points The Pharisees were looking for evidence to prove Jesus wrong. It was against Jewish Law to heal on the Sabbath unless a person’s life was in danger. Jesus claimed that healing on the Sabbath was right to help someone in need. The mans faith was not mentioned.
Jairus’ daughter Who? Jesus, Jairus, Jairus’ daughter, messengers, Peter, James and John. What? Jairus went to Jesus and begged for his help “My little daughter is very sick, please come and place your hands on her so that she will get well and live”. Along the way messengers stopped them and said she had died, Jesus told Jairus to believe and took Peter, James and John into the house. Jesus said she was only sleeping. They laughed, he took her by the hand and said “Talitha Koum” which means “Little girl, I tell you to get up!” The little girl who was 12, got up and started walking around. Jesus told them to tell no one. Why? Faith & the Messianic Secret Where? At a lakeside and then Jairus’ house.
Key points Jairus was an official from the local synagogue. Jesus had such a reputation as a miracle worker that even an official had faith in Jesus. Clearly not all religious leaders were against Jesus. They laughed at Jesus when he said she was not dead but sleeping. Message: Jesus has power over death!
The bleeding woman Who? Jesus, woman, crowd and disciples. What? The woman heard about Jesus and so went into the crowd saying “If I just touch his clothes, I will get well”. She touched his cloak, the bleeding stopped and she felt healed of her trouble. Jesus felt the power left him and asked “Who touched my clothes?” The disciples were surprised by this but he kept asking. The woman realised what she had done, trembling she fell at his feet and told the truth. Jesus said “My daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your trouble.” Why? She had tried everything else for 12 years and spent all her woman. Jesus healed her because of her faith. Where? On his way to Jairus’ house.
Key points Her condition made her ‘unclean’ preventing her from joining in Jewish festivals and ceremonies. She was obviously ashamed and tried to touch Jesus’ cloak secretly. Jesus praised the woman for her faith! He addressed her with a term of deep respect “My daughter, your faith has made you well”. Faith is key in this miracle!
Jesus feeds the 5000 Who? Jesus, his disciples and 5000 people. What? Jesus started out on a boat with his disciples for a lonely place but crowds went ahead of them. Filled with pity for them as they were sheep without a shepherd Jesus taught them. It was late, the disciples told Jesus to send them away but he told them to give the crowd something to eat, they said it would cost 200silver coins, they had 5 loaves and 2 fish amongst them. They sat on green grass in 50’s & 100’s, Jesus gave thanks and dived it out. Everyone was satisfied and 12 baskets were full of leftovers. Why? To escape the crowd. He took pity on them. Where? By a lake. When? Late evening.
Key points The amount of detail suggests this was an eye witness account. This miracle shows Jesus’ power but also recalls two miracles in Jewish Scripture: 1. God fed Moses and the Hebrews (Manna in the wilderness). 2. The prophet Elisha feeds 100 men (with 20 loaves of bread). This event shows Jesus fulfilling two foundations of Jewish religion: Law (Moses) and prophets (Elisha).
The feeding of the 5000 Some people have suggested this isn’t a miracle because the crowd would probably have had food with them and would have been inspired by Jesus to share.
The Syro-Phoenician womans daughter Who? Jesus and a women from Phoenicia in Syria. What? Jesus did not want people to know where he was but the woman went to him and begged him to drive the evil spirit out of her daughter. Jesus said “Let us feed the children (Jews) first, we cannot take their food and throw it to the dogs (Gentiles). She replied “Even the dogs under the table eat the children’s leftovers”. Jesus told her to go home & the evil spirit would have left her daughter. Why? Jesus healed her because of the woman’s answer (her faith). Where? Territory near the city of Tyre.
Key points News of Jesus’ miracles had clearly spread to Gentile areas. The term ‘dog’ was a common description for Gentiles at that time. The woman was persistent. Jesus may have been testing her but was delighted with her response. Women then were 2nd class citizens and so would be doubly despised by Jewish men. This did not matter to Jesus.
The Syro-Phoenician woman’s daughter Message: The K.O.G is open to everyone. The Gospel is not just for the Jews but for everyone. This is called ‘Universalism’. Universalism: race, gender and religion do not matter!
A boy with an evil spirit Who? Teachers of the Law, large crowd, Jesus, disciples, a man and his son. What? The disciples were arguing with the crowd because they could not heal the boy. The man said an evil spirit attacks him, throws him to the ground, make shim foam at the mouth, grit his teeth and become stiff. Jesus said they were unbelieving and told them to bring the boy to him. The father said he had been like that since a child and it even tried to kill him. The man said he had faith but asked for help to have more. Jesus commanded the spirit out, he had a fit, they thought he was dead, Jesus took his hand and helped him up. Why? The disciples needed prayer to drive the spirit out. The man had great faith.
Key points The people were ‘greatly surprise’ that the disciples could not heal the boy. This event talks a lot about faith: 1. The failure of the disciples faith 2.The fathers faith Some people believe that without faith, miracles are impossible! Jesus explained to the disciples that they need to pray, showing that the faith they needed was faith in God.
Epilepsy The boys symptoms were the same as that for epilepsy. This may have been mistaken for demonic possession. But Jesus addressed the spirit as a “deaf and dumb spirit” – not usually associated with epilepsy. Regardless of what it was the boy was cured. There is no cure for Epilepsy today.
Why did Jesus perform Miracles? He took pity on people and wanted to help them e.g. the man with the dreaded skin disease. To spread the word of God. They were not used by Jesus to prove who he was but they did help people to realise who he was and the power he had. They were a reward for faith.
“People have a duty to reach out and help outcasts today.”
Is faith needed in order for miracles to take place?
How is our understanding of illness today different from that at the time of Jesus?
“People today should never deny their faith.”
“The Kingdom of God is not close.”
“People should be willing to give up everything for their faith”.
“Miracles do not exist.”