Chapter One: God and His Chosen People 1. Another name for the Old Testament is: “The Hebrew Scriptures”.
2. The Old Testament is considered “Sacred” (holy) by both Jews and Christians. Both consider the texts of the OT to be “Divinely Inspired”, the Word of God (‘Verbum Dei).
3. There are Three (3) Principal Parts of the Old Testament: a. The Historical Books: these deal with the Past: the History of the Jews. Examples: Genesis, Exodus, Kings, Judges, etc.
b. The Wisdom Books: these deal with the Present: how to live in order to be saved. Examples: Wisdom, Psalms, Proverbs, etc.
c. The Prophetic Books: these deal with the Future: make predictions about future events and people, especially the coming Messiah.
Examples: The Four (4) Principal Prophets of the Old Testament: JEDI: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah.
4. The Old testament presents the special relationship between God and His Chosen People. Tells of the Covenant between God and Abraham.
If Abraham was Faithful and Obedient to what God asked of him, God would reward him with two things: a. A Homeland and b. Numerous Descendants. And God is always faithful to His promises.
5. Abram – Abraham, Sarai – Sarah. Story of Abraham and Sarah: relations with the concubine, Hagar, the serving woman. Offspring: Ishmael. Miraculous birth of Isaac. Death threats from Hagar and Ishmael towards Isaac. The two are banished.
6. Isaac – Rebekah: Esau and Jacob. Story of deception and the paternal blessing. Jacob wrestles an angel and wins. Name changed to Israel.
7. Israel has Twelve (12) sons: these become the Patriarchs of the “12 Tribes of Israel”:, Levi, Judah, Asher, Dan, Gad, Isaachar, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulon, [Joseph and Benjamin]. Story of Jacob and Laban [Leah/Rachel] Story of Joseph and his brothers, in Egypt.
8. The First Five books of the Old Testament are called: “The Pentateuch”. Also called The Torah, which means “the Law” (10 Commandments).
9. The Bible is composed of 73 Books total. There are 46 books in the OT and 27 Books in the NT.
10. Christians and Jews share a Common History.