Library Resources for Postgraduate Students More than just books! The Library
Library basics Entrance on the ground floor – next to the café Covers 5 levels of the main building Once you are fully registered, you have access to the Library Your student ID card is also your Library card You will need your IT Services account details to access the eLibrary
Get to know the Library Tours: Monday-Friday at 5.30pm from 23 rd Sept. to 18 th Oct. Tours last about 20 minutes A self-guided QR code tour is on offer now Read the ‘Welcome to the Library’ guide Library web site: Introduction to the Library video LIFE – online Library tutorial
Opening hours Term time: – (self-service: before & after weekdays, before & after weekends) Changes to these times and vacation times are advertised on the Library web site.
Get to know the layout of the Library Books - over 300,000 items A/V Collection – DVDs, CDs Journals – print journals are on 4 th floor Study areas Reading Room – a silent study area Workstations / access to wireless network Printing and photocopying Self-service machines Help Desk and Issue Desk
The Library web site Opening times and service information Library catalogue and eLibrary Detailed Subject Guides Library Induction For Everyone (LIFE) – online library tutorial Information about finding materials for essays and dissertations Information on using other libraries
Search for books, electronic books, journals, DVDs & CDs via the online Library catalogue.Library catalogue You can borrow up to 15 items at a time Many books can be borrowed for 3 weeks Some books are 1 week loan, 1 day loan or reference only eBooks are accessible from outside Birkbeck with your ITS username and password The Library catalogue
Renewals – Once you have borrowed books, you can renew them as long as no-one else requests them Reservations – If all copies of the book you wish to read are out on loan you can place a request – The next available copy will be held for you – You will be notified by Renew and reserve books
How do you find an ebook? A growing number of ebooks are available Find them via the Library catalogue You can also search whole databases of ebooks at… …but we won’t usually have access to all the ebooks in a database You can usually print from ebooks but most restrict the number of pages
Journals and ejournals Check the Library catalogue for print journalsLibrary catalogue These are on the shelves on level 4 and in store Print journals are for reference access only Use the ‘Find a known ejournal’ search in the eLibrary web page to look for ejournals eLibrary Ejournals can also be found using our VuFind catalogue
Understanding a journal reference Windsor, D. (2006). “Corporate social responsibility: three key approaches”. Journal of Management Studies. 43 (1): Author DateArticle title Journal name Volume Issue Page numbers
Finding a specific article in an ejournal Make a note of the name of the journal Go to the Library web site and select eLibrary Type the name of the journal in the ejournal search box If the Library subscribes, a link to the ejournal will appear Select the year, volume and then issue that you require Ejournals are also listed on the library catalogue
Get to know the eLibrary Over 30,000 electronic journal and newspaper titles Over 90 research databases to find out what has been published in your subject area Accessible from anywhere with internet access
Accessing the eLibrary Accessible without coming into the Library Accessible 24 hours a day Log in using your ITS username and password For off-site access: register your computer by setting up a cookie This is necessary for access to some e-resources One-off process – lasts 18 months See
Online databases Over 90 databases which enable you to find what has been written in your subject area Also some statistical, newspaper and image databases Go to the Subject Guides on the Library website to see which ones are best for your subject areaSubject Guides There is also an A-Z list of all databases in the eLibrary - select Databases and Online ResourcesDatabases and Online Resources
Search tips for databases All databases have different interfaces but the same search principles apply Think about your keywords carefully before you start Consider alternative terms for the same concept
Search tips for databases Use truncation to find variant word endings: e.g. stress* will find stress, stressed, stressful etc. Use wildcard searching to find variant spellings within words: e.g. organi?ation will find organisation and organization Search for a phrase using quotation marks Combine words / terms using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to focus results
Managing your references The Library provides access to and training on EndNote and EndNote Web: software to help you manage your references
Access to other libraries Reference access to University of London libraries SCONUL Access scheme Senate House Library (depending on your course) British Library You can also request items not available at Birkbeck via the Interlibrary Loan Service
Services for students with a disability or dyslexia We have extra services for you: Access Support Service LAMP service – postal loans Assistive Technology Centre The Disability Office is your first contact point and will be able to register you.Disability Office
Further help Library website at: LIFE – free online Library tutorial Visit, ring or the Help Desk: Check your Subject Guide (online and in print) Contact your Subject Librarian
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