Hybrids and Purebreds in Agriculture Agriculture Biology
Question of the Day: What is selective breeding used for? Objective: Students will be able to analyze the two types of selective breeding principles and will interpret hybridization and inbreeding in goats.
Today’s Activity 2 scenarios: This is the only buck… Given specific traits to select for… 2 does to choose from… Which doe will you choose?
Vocabulary Buck: An intact mature male goat The _______ smelled terrible because it was breeding season. Doe: A mature female goat My _______ is getting ready to kid.
Dairy Goats Main Use: Milk production Main Characteristics: Feminine Refined Capacious Breeds: Toggenburg Alpine Nubian Saanan Oberhasli LaMancha
Main Use: Meat production Main Characteristics: Thick muscling Big boned Good fat cover Breeds: Boer Goat Spanish Goat Tennessee Goat Meat Goats
Meat Goat or Dairy Goat?
Your Task: Choose a doe to breed to this buck for each of the scenarios, and explain your choice. Scenario 1: You want the offspring to only produce meat. Scenario 2: You want the offspring to produce quality milk and meat. Each doe is marked, please write down on your handout the name of the doe you would us for each scenario
What Were we Doing? Scenerio 2: Hybridization: Crossing organisms than have different traits to bring together the best of both organisms. Scenerio 1: Inbreeding: Continued breeding of individuals with similar characteristics.
7 minute Wrap Up Which goats would demonstrate inbreeding? Which goats would demonstrate hybridization?