Hans Hoerschelman
whoami Hans Sr. Application UI 460 Design (moonlight) UIDUG & DrupalHawks DrupalCorn 2013 Steering Committee CoderDojo Mentor – coderdojo.ictechnest.com Rabbit owner
What is COD? Conference Organizing Distribution Drush dl cod What’s a Distribution? Drupal core + a set of modules and/or features aimed at a specific use case
COD Features “Events” with a registration Free Paid (w/Commerce, Commerce Registration, and Paid Event modules) Resource Management Sessions Users propose sessions Schedule Item (eg – lunch, breaks, etc) Rooms Timeslots Attendees Sponsors
COD Features Scheduling Automate conference schedule Sessions BoFs User can build personalized schedule Sponsor Management Associate users with sponsors Allow sponsor to manage their content Sell sponsorship
COD Features Promotion All the stuff you can already to with Drupal Tools for contacting users Community Section Feedback / Post event Session Evaluations Video embeds of sessions or other resources
The Guts of COD What COD is NOT A turnkey solution (for now) No example with clean install Really easy to understand Have to grok Rules Have to grok Commerce (for paid events) A stable release Currently Alpha2
The Guts of COD - Default Drupal 7 Modules addressfield admin_menu admin_menu_toolbar advanced_help auto_nodetitle block comment commons_profile_ba se commons_wysiwyg content_access context contextual context_ui ctools ckeditor dashboard date date_api date_popup dblog devel devel_generate diff entity entityreference entityreference_prep opulate entity_token features field field_group field_permissions field_select_ct field_collection field_sql_storage field_ui file Filter flag forum image jquery_update link list menu node number options og og_access og_context og_field_access og_ui path pathauto quicktabs quicktabs_tabstyles rules rules_admin search strongarm system text token update user views views_field_view views_bulk_operation s views_content views_data_export views_ui Webform
The Guts of COD - Default Features cod_base cod_session cod_events cod_community cod_sponsors Views Admin views embedded on dashboards and other nodes Community Sponsors Events Patches Its still Alpha!
Modules You’ll Have To Understand to Set things Up Views Rules Commerce (for paid registrations) Organic Groups Especially permissions
Getting Started After install, start with 1 event “DrupalCamp Antartica” No other configuration COD default ‘on’ modules Base, Session, Sponsor, Events Some default views A really ugly frontpage with no content
Getting Started To get a single free event with 1 session up and going Create the Event, making sure it is an OG Group ALL EVENT CONTENT MUST BELONG TO THE EVENT GROUP! Have to set proper Event OG permissions: /admin/config/group/permissions/node/event Need a Session Need a Room/location Need a timeslot Need a track (taxonomy term) Can’t promise you won’t run into trouble…
Lets look at the (DEV) site. COD 7 Acquia Cloud hosting A simple custom module Some contrib and sandbox modules Some small hiccups
Our Experience Lots of learning curve Understanding the usage of OG Figuring out commerce and rules Bugs Paid Event registration ‘half open’ carts Person is registered but not paid, leaves cart/session timeout, blocked from registering when return OR Multiple carts Bad field settings (holdover from D6->D7) Unused features due to lack of understanding Session Evaluation Multiple registration