CGPage: 1 東吳資訊科學 江清水 Part I: Computer Graphics 1. Computer Graphics and Its application 2. Computer Graphics Hardware and Software (Skip) 3. 2D Coordinate Geometry 3.1 2D geometry -- points and polygons 3.2 Object transformation and Coordinates System transformation 3.3 2D Transformation -- Scaling, Translation, Rotation. 3.4 Homogeneous Coordinates 3.5 Composite 2D Transformation 3.6 Other Transformation -- Reflection (Mirror) and Shearing (Skip) 4. 2D Viewing Operations 4.1 Window-to-Viewport Mapping 4.2 2D Clipping 5. 3D Coordinate System 5.1 Coordinates System -- Right-handed and Left-Hand Coordinate system (a) 5.2 3D gemoetry -- points and polyhedra (a) 5.3 3D Transformation -- Scaling, Translation and Rotation. 5.4 Composite 3D Transformation -- Rotation about arbitrary Axis 5.5 Other Transformation -- Reflection and Shearing 6. 3D Viewing Operations 6.1 Projections -- Orthgraphic Projections and Perspective Projections(a 6.2 View Transformation 6.3 View Volume and Z-clipping 7. Visual Realism (Skip) 7.1 Rendering techniques 7.2 Hidden line removal algorithm 7.3 z-buffer algorithm 7.4 illumination and shading 7.5 Ray-tracing algorithm 7.6 Color and light
CGPage: 2 東吳資訊科學 江清水 1. Computer Graphics 3D arrows with 3D box Computer Graphics Pattern Recognition
CGPage: 3 東吳資訊科學 江清水 Some of today's most popular applications in computer graphics are : Presentation Graphics Electronic design and circuit layout Mechanical design and drafting Process Control Data Analysis –2D contour; 3D continuous mesh surface plot –air flow and fluid flow –4D image; structural analysis of any properties Simulation Chemical and molecular analysis User Interface Animation Art Cartography Geometric and solid modeling 1. Computer Graphics Application