P A R T P A R T Corporations History & Nature of Corporations Organizational and Financial Structure of Corporations Management of Corporations 10 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Business Law, 13/e © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
P A R T P A R T Corporations Shareholders’ Rights & Liabilities Securities Regulation Legal & Professional Responsibilities of Auditors, Consultants, and Securities Professionals 10 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Business Law, 13/e © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Management of Corporations PA E TR HC 43 “Managers should work for their people…and not the reverse.” Kenneth Blanchard, Leadership and The One Minute Manager (2000)
Learning Objectives Corporate objectives Corporate powers The Board of Directors Officers of the corporation Directors’ and officers’ duties to the corporation Corporate and management liability
Shareholders own the corporation, but elect a board of directors to manage the firm For board to act, a quorum must be present and each director has one vote Board committees: executive, nominating, compensation, shareholder litigation Audit committee required by Sarbanes- Oxley Act Directors are elected by shareholders at the annual shareholder meeting Board of Directors
Straight voting : shareholder may cast as many votes for each nominee as s/he has shares; top votegetters elected as directors Class voting : certain shareholder classes have right to elect a specified number of directors Cumulative voting : shareholders multiply their shares by number of directors to elect; cast resulting total for one or more directors Electing Directors
Board delegates management duties to officers, who hire managers and employees Officers of a corporation include the president, one or more vice presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer The Officers
MBCA permits close corporation owners to either dispense with the board and manage the firm or restrict the board’s discretion A nonprofit corporation must have at least three directors on the board, members elect directors, and only one officer performing duties of a corporate secretary is required Directors often volunteer (no compensation) Close & Nonprofit Corporations
Directors and officers owe a fiduciary duty to corporation, including duty to act within the scope of corporate powers and within their express or implied authority Directors and officers are liable for corporate losses caused by the lack of care or diligence Business judgment rule : absent bad faith, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, judgment of directors and officers is conclusive Director & Officer Duties
As agents, directors and officers owe duties of loyalty, including duty not to self-deal (a conflict of interest) or usurp an opportunity the corporation could have exploited Court may void an unfair transaction Intrinsic fairness standard : transaction fair if reasonable persons in arm’s-length bargain would have bound the corporation Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Generally, corporate purposes are broadly stated to avoid the claim that corporation acted beyond its powers ( ultra vires ) by: Shareholder seeking to enjoin a corporation from executing a proposed ultra vires action; In re The Walt Disney Company Derivative Litigation Corporation suing its management for damages from exceeding corporate powers; State’s attorney general The Ultra Vires Doctrine
Shareholders isolated by another group of shareholders may complain of oppression Freeze-out : corporation merges with newly formed corporation under oppressive terms by which minority shareholders receive cash instead of shares of new corporation Going private is a freeze-out of shareholders of publicly owned corporations Minority Shareholders
Corporate officer ordinarily has no liability on contracts made for corporation if officer signs on behalf of corporation rather than in personal capacity A person is always liable for his own torts, even if committed on behalf of a principal, but under respondeat superior, corporation is liable for employee’s tort reasonably connected to employee’s authorized conduct Management Liability
A person is always liable for his own crimes Corporations also may be liable for crimes when criminal act is requested, authorized, or performed by: Director, officer, manager with responsibility for company policy, or high-level manager with supervisory responsibility over subject matter of the offense and acting within scope of employment Management Liability: Crimes
Since officers and directors risk liability, corporations typically agree to indemnify those who serve as a director or an officer In addition, D & O insurance is available as a risk management tool Indemnification & Insurance
When an outsider attempts to gain control of a publicly held corporation (target), outsider (raider) makes a tender offer for the shares Tender offer is an offer to shareholders to buy their shares at a price above current market price Raiders hope to acquire a majority of shares, giving control of the target corporation Corporate management generally opposes tender offers using a variety of defenses The Tender Offer
Test Your Knowledge True=A, False = B The board of directors own a corporation. Corporations have legal power to do anything that an individual may do. Sarbanes–Oxley Act requires all publicly held firms to have audit committees comprised of independent directors. Class voting permits shareholders to multiply shares by number of directors to be elected and cast total for one or more directors
Test Your Knowledge True=A, False = B Officers are agents of the corporation. A hostile takeover occurs when there is an offer to shareholders to buy their shares at a price above current market price. Under the intrinsic fairness test, directors and officers are protected from liability to their corporation for usurping corporate opportunities
Test Your Knowledge Multiple Choice Absent bad faith, fraud, or breach of fiduciary duty, the rule that the judgment of directors and officers is conclusive is known as: (a) The fiduciary duty rule (b) The D&O rule (c) The business judgment rule (d) The business purpose test (e) none of the above
Test Your Knowledge Multiple Choice Which of the following statements is false? (a) Each person is liable for his/her own torts (b) A corporation may be criminally liable if an officer or director authorized an employee to do a criminal act (c) An officer or director cannot be personally liable for a crime (d) Corporations may protect or insure their officers and directors from the risk of liability
Thought Question Roberto Goizueta, former CEO of Coca- Cola, said in 1992: “Business now shares in much of the responsibility for our global quality of life.” Do you agree or disagree with Goizueta? Support your opinion