Energy Security in the context of EU Russian Energy Dialogue Dr. Vladimir Voloshin
Three main factors of energy security sustainable energy supply adequacy energy supply reasonable energy price
To ensure energy security, the European Union proposes: to diversify energy supply sources (expanding the range of foreign suppliers, using renewable energy sources); to promote energy-saving development; to develop cooperation with traditional energy suppliers, primarily with Russia.
For the European Union, the energy dialogue provides opportunities for: access Russian energy resources, primarily oil and gas; creation conditions for diversifying energy imports; enhancing the sustainability of energy supply to the EU.
For Russia, the energy dialogue provides opportunities for: attracting investment in order to develop energy fields; recovering and modernizing the energy infrastructure; creating favorable conditions for the economy to move to an innovations- based development model; reducing market imbalances and obstacles to competition in the energy sector; paving the way for restructuring the energy monopolies.
Druzhba-Adria Pipeline
Russia-Europe Gas Pipelines
The main principles of fuel and energy transit include: freedom of transit, non- discriminatory access to transportation infrastructure for energy transit; provision of the national transportation regime for fuel and energy transit; dispute settling procedure.
Eastern Direction of Russian Oil Export
Common Problems Energy poverty Transparence, energy market predictability Energy efficiency Ecology issies
Oil Production in Russia, mln. tonnes
Gas Production in Russia, bln. cubic meters
Russian Oil Exports, mln. tonnes
Russian Gas Exports, bln. cubic meters
Russian Problems Great gap between the rich the poor Criminalisation of economy Lack of social security Negative public opinion to big private property