1-5 Exercise
Session 5 Mental Performance Skills: Dealing with Failure Avoiding Judgment Life Skills: Communication Enhancement Selling & Negotiation Building Rapport
Dealing With Failure
4 F’s of Failure 1.Forgive yourself 2.Flush It 3.Forget about it 4.Focus on your next attempt
Dealing With Failure Release Tools: How do you release anger and frustration after a bad result or mistake (error, turnover, bad race time)? Rubber band snap on wrist Key word to go to Squeeze anger into an object (bat grip, ball, glove, handful of dirt/grass) and then drop the object and release the tension/frustration with it
Dealing With Failure Refocus Tools: Once you have gone through your release, how do you refocus your mind? Having a focal point to go to -Small & Specific -Away from the hole -Something up higher to force your body language to stand upright, shoulders back and chin up. Think about a time when you were on fire and playing at your best Notice something other than your playing to clear your mind (i.e. look at the crowd, focus on a cloud for a moment, etc)
Dealing With Failure
“Failing Forward” Mentality to keep you learning and growing from your failures You have the choice of letting failures bring you down OR push you forward Baby Crawling Did you stop when you failed learning how to walk? If you’re not failing, you’re not growing or getting any better
Removing Judgment What are we constantly doing right after our performance? Analyzing Critiquing JUDGING Who/what is the ‘judge’ Why does the ‘judge’ show up?
Removing Judgment Self 1 & Self 2 (Timothy Gallwey)
Removing Judgment Baseball Umpire Analogy
Removing Judgment
Application Activity How can you play ignoring the judge? When you find yourself wanting to critique, analyze and judge, stop those thoughts and replace them with a visual of yourself doing it the right way. See what you want to have happen and your body will do what you’re picturing It knows how to do it, you don’t have to tell it to!
Communication, Sales & Rapport Tools for enhancing communication: Talk about them, not yourself People love talking about themselves! Stroke their ego Active listening Repeating back to the person what you heard to check for understanding and clarity Ask open ended questions instead of yes or no questions Ask engaging and thought provoking questions
Communication, Sales & Rapport Tools for enhancing communication: Ask open ended questions instead of yes or no questions Ask engaging and thought provoking questions Answer questions with more than simple answers -How are you today? -What’s new?
Communication, Sales & Rapport Tools for enhancing communication: The power of Yes AND -When you disagree with someone’s statement, acknowledge it and add AND before you state your disagreeing statement. Ask for permission -Especially when making a correction or giving your feedback, ask for permission first Avoid ultimatums -Words such as: Always & Never
Communication, Sales & Rapport Tools for enhancing communication: Be contentious of your body language -Smile -Cross your legs toward them (look inviting) -Posture -Maintain eye contact Not too much…about 60% of the time -Mirroring
Communication, Sales & Rapport Tools for enhancing communication: Remember and use people’s names -People LOVE hearing their name -Keeps the other person engaged -Use their name throughout the conversation
Communication, Sales & Rapport Tools for enhancing communication: Use complements & appreciations Clothes Things in their office or home Things you admire about them (talents and strengths of theirs)
Communication, Sales & Rapport Application Activity: Partner up with someone you don’t know Break the ice and build rapport Engage in small talk Focus on your non-verbals
Communication, Sales & Rapport Sales Tools: Find the need/pain Ask questions about the need/pain Ask where they are now and where they want to be in the future Then show how you can help them get there Make them sell you on why they need your service/product/help
Communication, Sales & Rapport Sales Tools: Problem solve, don’t product push -Find the need/pain -Ask questions about the need/pain -Ask where they are now and where they want to be in the future -Then show how you can help them get there Make them sell you on why they need your service/product
Communication, Sales & Rapport Sales Tools: Use your own experiences Make sure to ASK for their business (close the deal) -Here’s how the process works, when do you want to get started? Ask your current customers for referrals -Who do you know? Use testimonials!!!! -Testimonials sell you/your product better than you ever can
Communication, Sales & Rapport Sales Tools: Ask them about their risks to buying Ask them about the benefits of your product/service If the benefits outweigh the risks, you have a sale
Communication, Sales & Rapport Sales Tools: Follow up…Always! Sale or no sale A,B,C lists of prospects 80/20 principle Focus your selling and marketing activities on the type of people that give you 80% of your business
Communication, Sales & Rapport Application Activity: Imagine you are in your ideal career Partner up and sell your partner your product or service
Date: Tuesday, February 4 (two weeks from tonight) Mental Performance Skills: Visualization Life Skills: Budgeting Personal Finance Management Next Session
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