Ontario Universities On-Line Application Seminar November 26, 2010 St. Elizabeth C.H.S. OUAC 101 Online Application for Ontario Secondary School Students
Applying On-Line: All students will apply on-line through O.U.A.C. (Ontario Universities Application Centre). NO PAPER APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Students DO NOT apply directly to the universities. O.U.A.C. will transfer your application & academic data to your university choices.
visit eINFO ( to see all the university options offered check out university publications, websites & tours talk to guidance counsellors, family, teachers & friends write down your program choices & codes (keep them handy) visit the Companion Booklet 101 at to research program codes; to view the addenda on-line with the most up-to-date program information Before Applying…
Your Grades… OUAC forwards your grades to the universities you applied to Offers of Admission are generally based on: gr. 12 U/M final grades by end of semester 1; gr. 12 U/M final grades by end of semester 1; gr. 12 U/M semester 2 gr. 12 U/M semester 2 mid-terms; mid-terms; Exceptions… Exceptions… All offers are conditional upon final grades!!! All offers are conditional upon final grades!!! Night School, Virtual and/or Correspondence Courses: It is crucial that you inform the Guidance office if you are taking any of these courses: semester 1: bring your final report card to Guidance semester 2: inform Guidance you are taking a course (then bring your mid-term & final report card to Guidance) Summer School: if you are going to take a course that you require to meet admission requirements, please see your Guidance Counsellor before you leave in June
Scholarships & Bursaries… Scholarships: Refer to the Guidance page on the school’s Website seh.ycdsb.ca university scholarship info can be found on the financial page of any university viewbook or website. 2 types of university entrance scholarships: those requiring an application (deadlines) those requiring an application (deadlines) those not requiring an application (most are conditional on final grades ) those not requiring an application (most are conditional on final grades ) Bursaries: “free money”: based on financial need you generally apply to these when you arrive at university NOTE: Key to most awards: contributions made to your school, community, jobs…in addition to grades O.S.A.P.: student loans, check out osap.gov.on.ca stay tuned for in-service in spring
Making Your Selections… You may choose up to 3 programs at any ONE university General Rule: separate code = separate choice separate code = separate choice EXCEPTIONS? always… EXCEPTIONS? always… check your choices; check the universitiescheck your choices; check the universities Double check with your Guidance CounsellorDouble check with your Guidance Counsellor
About Your Selections… About Your Selections… maximum ONE program code from each of the following: maximum ONE program code from each of the following: St. George Arts & Science (including Commerce)St. George Arts & Science (including Commerce) ScarboroughScarborough MississaugaMississauga EngineeringEngineering MusicMusic Phys.Ed. & Health/KinesiologyPhys.Ed. & Health/Kinesiology University of Toronto Remember: Never select more than 3 programs from any one university!!!
About Your Selections… About Your Selections… Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies: code = YFR Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies: code = YFR You will be asked to select a subject of major interest.You will be asked to select a subject of major interest. DO NOT enter two codes for two separate majors under the YFR code!!!DO NOT enter two codes for two separate majors under the YFR code!!! (e.g. English, History, etc.) (e.g. English, History, etc.) You may choose up to 3 programs from any faculty at York.You may choose up to 3 programs from any faculty at York. Remember: SEPARATE CODE = SEPARATE CHOICE!!! York University
Grades Plus Programs… (programs requiring more than grades) auditions essays interviews personal statements portfolios deadlines vary between universities check each university’s website for: required criteria required criteria deadlines deadlines
Programs Requiring Prior University Studies… Dentistry Education Law Medicine Pharmacy Rehabilitation Sciences Veterinary Medicine go to click on “Professional Applications” go to click on “Important Information” click on “Programs Requiring Prior University Studies” check to make sure you have chosen an appropriate undergraduate program which will get you there
Personal Identification Number (P.I.N.) & OUAC Reference Number … Personal Identification Number (P.I.N.) & OUAC Reference Number … You will receive an envelope from Guidance containing: your P.I.N. (please keep in a safe place) your P.I.N. (please keep in a safe place) school number (MIDENT) school number (MIDENT) student number (SSSN) student number (SSSN) P.I.N. + MIDENT + SSSN = allows you to log in & access your personal COMPASS.101 application K4Nb After you have applied, you will also receive a 2010 OUAC Reference Number. Print off the final page for your records You will need both #’s to access your on-line application.
Before using OUAC 101 you will need: PIN (Personal Identification Number) school number student number a list of your researched options Checklist
Let’s get started…
You will access the online application at: Let’s Get Started! Ontario Universities’ Application Centre 2010
This navigation bar runs down the left-hand side of each screen of the online application. Just click on a heading to see your options. Problems navigating? See the HELP links at the top right of almost every application screen. Navigating OUAC 101 Ontario Universities’ Application Centre 2010
To begin: Log in to your online application account using your confidential access codes provided by your guidance counsellor. To begin: Log in to your online application account using your confidential access codes provided by your guidance counsellor. Logging on to OUAC 101 Ontario Universities’ Application Centre 2010
Not sure where to apply? Use the various “Search Options” provided. Selecting Your Program Your search options! Ontario Universities’ Application Centre 2010
To use the Fast Track option, enter your OUAC program codes: one per box. The Fast Track Option Enter OUAC program codes here. Ontario Universities’ Application Centre 2010
Complete the program details requested for each program selected. Once You’ve Selected a Program: Click on the Help link at any time for more information. Ontario Universities’ Application Centre 2010
Once you’ve selected your programs, you’re ready to prepare and submit your application following these six steps below: The Final Steps 1. Review the programs that you have selected. 3. & 4. Your school may have already provided much of this data. Check it for accuracy and make changes where necessary. 5. The universities require you to answer nine questions. (Don’t worry — they’re easy!) 6. Review and report errors to your guidance office. Ontario Universities’ Application Centre Number your choices in order of preference. This doesn’t affect admission or scholarships unless the university specifies this in their literature.
Completing Your Application… “I Verify and Agree”: “I Verify and Agree”: Once you select this, you must pay for your application; Once you select this, you must pay for your application; If you wish to review your selections, you should complete the application and log off without clicking “I Verify and Agree” (your application info will be saved). If you wish to review your selections, you should complete the application and log off without clicking “I Verify and Agree” (your application info will be saved).
Making Changes… Making Changes… You can log back in to your application & make necessary changes, such as: You can log back in to your application & make necessary changes, such as: personal information;personal information; university/program choices;university/program choices; respond to offers of admission;respond to offers of admission; Once you select “I Verify & Agree”, you MUST pay for your application; Once you select “I Verify & Agree”, you MUST pay for your application; Once you have submitted the application & paid for it, you can make changes by using the “Review and Change Your Completed Application” service. Once you have submitted the application & paid for it, you can make changes by using the “Review and Change Your Completed Application” service.
Click here to proceed to the payment screen. Once you click “Submit”, you will verify all the information on your application. Print it for your records. To make changes, return to the specific application steps. Submitting Your Application Ontario Universities’ Application Centre 2010
Paying for Your Application… $120 = 3 choices $40 for each additional choice All fees submitted to OUAC are non-refundable All fees submitted to OUAC are non-refundable Only full payments will be processed Only full payments will be processed Method of Payment - 3 Options: 1. VISA/MasterCard only: You will need the card number, expiry date & the cardholder’s name. 2. Internet/Telephone Banking: You will receive an account number from O.U.A.C. as soon as you submit your application; the person paying fees must be registered to pay bills through selected Canadian banks & credit unions. 3. Cheque/Money Order: You must send the cheque or money order by mail within two weeks of submitting your application electronically.
Payment The OUAC cannot process your application without the application fee. Ontario Universities’ Application Centre 2010 Once you have chosen your method of payment and clicked on the “ Finish ” button, you will immediately receive an OUAC Reference Number.
Deadlines… January 12, 2011: Deadline for on-line applications to OUAC Deadline for on-line applications to OUAC December 17, 2010: suggested deadline O.U.A.C. suggests you submit your application early & not leave it until the last minute February 4, 2011: recommended last date to submit changes to O.U.A.C. some universities will set different deadlines Check out individual university websites for details!!! May 30, 2011: Date by which universities must respond to your application for admission; one of: a) an offer of admission; b) a refusal; or c) a deferral pending the receipt of specific additional information. June 2, 2011: Earliest date by which universities may require a response to offers of admission and a financial commitment.
Finishing Up… Print the screen displaying your OUAC Reference Number (2011-xxx-xxx), with further instructions. Record your P.I.N. and store it in a safe place. You will need it to review your application and respond to offers of admission. Application Deadline: January 12, 2011
After Applying… Using your OUAC Reference # and P.I.N., log in to “Review and Change Your Completed Application” at to do the following: Verify the details of your application; Make any necessary changes (be sure to abide by the deadlines set out by the universities); Verify your grades information (if any details on the Academic Information section of your application are incorrect, contact your guidance counsellor immediately); You can respond to offers of admission.
Responding to an Offer… May 30, 2011: latest date to receive a response; one of: (i) an offer of admission, or (i) an offer of admission, or (ii) a refusal, or (ii) a refusal, or (iii) a deferral, pending the receipt of specific (iii) a deferral, pending the receipt of specific additional information additional information When you receive an offer, read it carefully Using the “Review & Change Your Completed Application”, respond to offers of admission Respond to your offer by the deadline Accepting an offer of admission from one university will not cancel applications to other universities/programs But you can have only ONE acceptance of an offer on file at one time (if you want to accept another university’s offer, you must first cancel the previously accepted offer) Maintain your average because ALL OFFERS ARE CONDITIONAL UPON FINAL GRADES!!!
Need Assistance? go to click on “Have a question? We have the answer!” read FAQs OUAC 170 Research Lane Guelph ON N1G 5E2 Telephone: (519) Fax: (519) Website: Contact us:
Best Wishes for a Successful Journey From the Guidance Department at St. Elizabeth C.H.S.