Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Supporting the commercial exploitation of PSI ePSINet Conference Athens 14th January 2005
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread - Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content (DC) in Eastern and Western Europe Objectives: Promoting the commercial exploitation of PSI and localisation of e-Content towards New Member States Supporting networking and partnership building between private and public organisations interested or involved in PSI Tools: Training and coaching on the reuse of PSI Virtual showcase of Excellence Assistance in European project development in the digital content sector Assistance in international business expansion
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread – Operational phases 1. Identification and selection of successful good practices from both East and West Europe that showcase the reuse of PSI. 2. Identification and selection of successful business cases on internationalisation and localisation 3. Validation of the good practices cases with stakeholders in three New Member States (HU, PL, SLO) 4. Creation of a Virtual Showcase of Excellence (
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread – Approach The SPREAD project aims at stimulating the re-use of public sector information. SPREAD adds value to ongoing initiatives by focusing on “how to exploit PSI from the user’s point of view” SPREAD concentrates on the demand side of PSI where: raw data are processed and combined with technologies and expertise added-value information products and services are created market forces foster the successful commercial exploitation of public sector information.
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread – 8 Partners Old Member States IZET, Hamburg, Germany, expert in business plan development and project coordinator EMF, London/Brussels, expert in international business expansion TESEO, Brussels, expert in Eu project development and management IDP, Brussels/Rome expert in training on international expansion and business development AID, AIDNet – Marketing and Communications Srl, Rome, expert in communication and dissemination
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread – 8 Partners New Member States representing the general platform for dissemination of good practices and traning and coaching offer IVSZ, Hungarian IT Association, Budapest SBRA, Slovenian Business and Research Association, Brussels WUE,University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread – Offer 3 Training courses on European Good Practices performed in 3 pilot New Member States and divided in 2 modules: International project development and access to public funding International Business Expansion 3-4 Mentoring Workshops in which expert consultants in EU project development and business expansion will : meet in 1:1 meetings, companies and public sector organisations involved and interested in PSI Stimulate their project idea develeopment Guide and assist them in participating in EU programmes and EU funding
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread – Target groups Possible Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), including both public and private sector organisations interested in PSI; Possible consortia of private companies (especially SMEs) and public organisation/authorities; Individual public “owners of public sector information” suitable for exploitation; Individual private IT companies interested to exploit PSI; Individual private IT companies interested to expand successful eContent products and services to other EU countries; Intermediaries that would be interested in assisting both public and private sectors organisations to develop (international) PSI based projects and business; Localisation experts and service providers interested in localisation and re-use of PSI
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread – Training courses and Mentoring Workshops dates April Budapest, Hungary International project development course & Mentoring Workshop April Wroclaw, Poland International project development course & Mentoring Workshop May Ljubliana, Slovenia International business expansion course & Mentoring Workshop
Stimulate and Promote Good Practices in the field of Digital Content in Eastern and Western Europe Spread - check our website or contact us: Mr Ulrich Hausner -project coordinator Mrs Monica Ibido -project