John Wayne Gacy By: Taylor Gallagher
What makes a serial killer? Most have an unstable home as a child Might have had problems as a child like head injuries or physical ailments Don’t have a conscience and have had a lack of loving or nurturing relationships Might have been abused as a child
What is Evil? Evil is the intent to cause harm on other people The acts that Gacy committed that were “evil” were rape and murder He knew what he was doing while killing the boys/men but that didn’t stop him from killing them
Some victims of John Wayne Gacy Who he killed and why? John Wayne Gacy killed up to 33 boys/young men Killed boys/ young men or suspected homosexuals Most of the victims worked for Gacy His first attack was on Jeffery Ringall on May 22, 1978 He kidnapped him, knocked him out with chloroform, and raped him On December 28th, twenty-seven of the bodies were found under the crawl space of Gacy’s house, two were found in the concrete of his patio, and one was found in the Illinois River He also confessed to keeping the bodies under his bed for hours before burying them Some victims of John Wayne Gacy
Childhood Gacy was born on March 17th, 1942 and was the second of three children Had a bad relationship with his father At age 11, he was hit in the head by a swing, causing a blood clot in his brain, which wasn’t found until age 16 This caused blackouts He also had a non-specific heart ailment He did have friends, but he was frequently made fun of His father was an alcoholic and he abused his kids Beaten regularly by his father He was also molested by a family friend He never graduated high school but he went to business school and graduated from there Gacy as a child
Gacy dressed as “Pogo the clown” Gacy’s Life He had different health issues as a child Non-specific heart aliment and blood clot Was also abused and molested He also had hired a boy to go and beat up another boy He went to the Iowa State Reformatory for men for ten years after being convicted for sodomy Was there for 18 months and then got early parole Was depressed when he was released After being released he was charged with disorderly conduct with a boy, but the charges were dropped He was an insomniac He was married to Marlynn Myers Had two children Was a business man who hosted elaborate parties for his neighbors where he dressed up as “Pogo the clown” Lived a normal life, had friends and a family, and had a good job Gacy dressed as “Pogo the clown”
Gacy during a interview Media Attention He was known as the “killer clown” He was in a few interviews after he was convicted There were multiple books written and a movie made about him He didn’t put anything in the media about his killings while he was killing people Gacy during a interview
What type of serial killer? John Wayne Gacy was a power/control serial killer He killed some of the boys/men because they were suspected of being homosexuals He might have done this because he was abused and molested as a child
Where the victims of Gacy were dug up He lured the victims to his home by promising construction work and then he sexually assaulted, tortured, and strangled then with a rope before burying them in his crawl space Most of his victims were young men/boys who worked for him He buried them under the crawl space of his house and on his property Where the victims of Gacy were dug up
Where is he now? He confessed to the killings off 33 boys/young men and burying them under his house and on his property Gacy’s trial started on Wednesday Feb. 6th, 1980 in Illinois He plead that he was insane during the killings and that he had not killed the boys/men, but his alternate personality, Jack Hanson, had killed them. Psychologists determined that Gacy was sane during the killings It took only 2 hours of deliberation to find Gacy guilty He was sentenced to serve 12 death sentences and 21 natural life sentences He died by lethal injection on May 10th, 1994 Gacy’s house after demolition Remains of bodies being removed from Gacy’s home