UWA Exit Survey 2010 Rod Dewsbury preliminary report
Exit Survey Quantitative and qualitative Hard copy survey to all departing staff forced choice answers and written comments 183 respondents = about 22% of departing employees Optional Exit Interview – face to face or by phone
Survey Respondents Quite representative of departing employees in general SurveyCessations UWA workforce Male32%45%47% Female68%55%53% Academic35%40% Professional65%60% Ongoing28%25%53% Contract68%75%47% Voluntary turnover (resignation & retirement) 8.3% Cessation of contract 9.1%
Survey Respondents Quite representative of departing employees in general SurveyCessations UWA workforce Male32%45%47% Female68%55%53% Academic35%40% Professional65%60% Ongoing28%25%53% Contract68%75%47% Voluntary turnover (resignation & retirement) 8.3% Cessation of contract 9.1%
Why do exit surveys?
Cartoon used with permission
Highs ExitsWorking Life Informed of changes that affect me61% 56% Leaders provide clear vision57% 72% Professional Development56% 67% Lows Opportunities for advancement28% 43% Encouraged to participate in change40% 41% Satisfaction with UWA
Highs ExitWorking Life I worked well with Colleagues82% 89% I could manage the level of stress80% 59% I enjoyed the level of people contact73% NA I was encouraged to use initiative73% NA Lows Adequate opportunities to engage in training and development43% 75% Satisfaction with work area
ExitWorking Life Quality of management and supervision56% 70% Clear expectations of supervisor/head56% 64% Adequate recognition64% 53% Local Management - in the middle
I would return74% I felt I could be effective in my job73% Quality of working life 66% Immediate working environment60% Summary statements of job satisfaction
Career Change49% Promotion45% Personal (unrelated to job)41% Personal (job related)39% Contract not renewed36% Why do people leave? Responses of influential or highly influential (allows for multiple responses)
Comments – written Management36% Positives about UWA21% Career issues14% Working conditions11%
Supervisors should have training. People with few "people skills" should not be put into supervisory roles, if ‘x’ was in a good mood, we had a good day The chance of a permanent position and a leadership were very attractive after 15 yrs on different research grant contracts I had a fantastic time working with my team at UWA. I would have stayed, but my relocation has made it impossible.
Things to consider… Career issuesPDR – active career planning Use of contracts Mobility Scheme Development Opportunities Supervisor/ManagerOSDS – development or training ERMS – advice/mediation InterpersonalEmployee Assistance Program Equity and Diversity Services
ERMS faculty contact Mobility Sandy Fitzpatrick (Mon,Wed,Thurs) OSDS Employee Assistance Program PPC Worldwide UWA Counselling Equity and Diversity Contacts