April 30, 2015 Deborah Donovan Northeast Wind Resource Center W IND S ITING R EGULATIONS AND G UIDELINES IN N ORTHEAST A B RIEF U PDATE
T HE US D EPARTMENT OF E NERGY ’ S W IND E NERGY R EGIONAL R ESOURCE C ENTERS Purpose: support well-informed, fact- based decisions regarding wind projects –Provide accurate, credible information –Deliver this information to stakeholders –Work with decision- makers to ensure they have the tools to make informed decisions DOE announced awards to 6 centers in March Three-year grants with declining funding –Each RRC’s budget is $250,000/year –DOE pays 80% in year one; 65% in year two; 50% in year three Grants administered through the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) Extensive reporting requirements to NREL/DOE 2
N ORTHEAST W IND R ESOURCE C ENTER O UR F OCUS New England and New York for land-based wind New England, New York, and New Jersey for offshore wind Opportunity for people in Pennsylvania to receive and share information The work is divided between land-based wind and offshore wind –Different information needs and different approaches 3
State RPS programs -> increase demand for new renewables is likely to bring RPS program expansions/extensions and new programs (proposed legislation in VT). The expected expansion of the NY RPS will drive regional demand up to 3,000 MW, including demand for wind. –NY REV Large Scale Renewable options paper coming out June Grid-scale land-based wind will be the primary source of in-region RPS compliance in the near term. MA, CT, and RI have initiated a regional effort on RE procurement above and beyond RPS targets. Current plan is to get regulatory approval of contracts in New England governors issued six-state Energy Action Plan; outlined regional cooperation strategies on DG, clean energy generation and transmission procurement. Land-Based Wind (LBW) Development in Northeast 4
The region’s policy makers are considering additional infrastructure and generation supply that could either support RE growth or preclude it, depending on the choices made. The outcomes of ongoing regional decisions about infrastructure and generation procurement will determine which technologies and fuels serve the region’s needs. LBW can reduce the need for additional NG pipeline infrastructure. Appropriately-sited LBW needed to assure economic and political viability of state RPS programs and other clean energy goals. The recent termination of Cape Wind and several other smaller other LBW projects leaves a gap in New England pipeline. This gap places additional pressure on LBW to deliver the MW needed to meet states’ goals. LBW Development in Northeast (continued) 5
Based on SEA research, * the current pipeline of wind in New England is as follows: –More than 3500 MW of projects under development and not yet permitted More than 95% of this is in northern New England (VT, NH, ME), which has been the center of recent legal challenges About 1500 MW is dependent on the construction of new transmission –About 100 MW permitted but not yet under construction – still at risk of appeals –Almost 250 MW under construction – probably “safe” from additional legal troubles LBW Development in Northeast (continued) 6 * Includes both public and confidential sources
T HANK YOU Deborah Donovan (508)