Step 2: Fill in the Scholarship Application Form: International (General) After you have created your conference profile (see tutorial 1), you will be able to access the online international scholarship application form through your conference profile.
When you have signed in to your profile, in the “Overview” page you have access to the following tabs. Choose “Click here to apply for an International Scholarship”. Note the information.Click on the “Scholarships” tab.
You will be directed to the Terms and Conditions of the International Scholarship Programme (General). When you are finished reading and if you Read the whole page attentively. understand the application requirements, tick the box and click on “SUBMIT”. X
You will arrive to the International Scholarship Application Form. The first part: “Personal Details” is already filled in with the details you have provided in your conference profile. If any details are incorrect you can change them by clicking on the provided link to your Conference Profile.
If you are between 16 and 18 (on 18 July 2010), you will be requested to provide the information of your accompanying adult. If s/he already has registered, tick “Yes” and enter her/his registration number in the field. ######## X
If your accompanying adult has not registered or you do not know, tick “No” or “Not sure” and enter his/her contact details. X xxxxxx X xxxxxx
Fill in part 2: “Optional Personal Details” (not required). If you tick yes to the question: “Are you part of a key affected population”, you must specify which population. Fill in part 3 with the information on your organization, affiliation or company. ……… X ……… ……… ……… ……… ………
Choose the country of your organization/affiliation/company from the pull down menu. Select the reach of your organization/affiliation/company from the pull down menu.
Please note: comments appear on the right of each field to guide you towards completion. Here for instance the telephone number was not entered correctly. Fill in the essay question describing the main areas with which your organization/affiliation/company is involved. You have a maximum of 200 words. xxxx xxxx xxx xx xxxxxx xxx …
Fill in the next section with complete information of the person who will act as your reference. Read the note. ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………
In section 4, your occupation is pulled from your conference profile, you do not have to re-enter it. Answer the essay question - summarizing with a maximum of 200 words - the main tasks you undertake in your work on HIV and AIDS. Indicate how long you have been working in the field of HIV and AIDS. xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx …
In section 5, you must choose by ticking the box(es), what “level” of support you wish to request. Read the note.
In section 6, indicate in the pull-down menus if you have already attended an International AIDS Conference, and if so if you previously received a scholarship.
In sections 7 and 8 you must answer essay questions giving further details on your motivation to attend the conference, and how your community would benefit from you receiving the scholarship. You have a maximum of 200 words. If you are a co-organizer or co-facilitator of a programme activity or a workshop, you are invited to enter the reference number of this programme activity or workshop. xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx … xxxxx x xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx … #### #####
Section 10 is optional and only concerns basic scientists interested in attending the Basic Science Pre-Conference Workshop. To skip this section (if you are not a basic scientist or not interested in the pre-conference workshop) click here: If you answer “Yes” to the first two questions, you will be asked to answer further questions (please note that the answers to these questions will have no bearing on the consideration of your general scholarship application).
Indicate your highest level of education from the pull down menu. Answer the essay question giving details of your work on HIV Reservoirs in a maximum of 200 words. xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx … To skip this section (if you are not a basic scientist or not interested in the pre-conference workshop) click here:
Read the note attentively. To jump this section (if you are not a basic scientist or not interested in the pre-conference workshop) click here:
Before submitting your application, read the end of the form and make sure the information you entered is complete (once submitted, your application cannot be modified. Incomplete applications will not be considered). You must upload the supporting documentation before your application is considered complete. Go to Tutorial 3 to see how to upload the supporting documentation. Click on “SUBMIT”.