Orbis Cascade Alliance and OCLC consortial borrowing solution John F. Helmer Executive Director ICOLC April 2008
Membership Oregon & Washington Private & Public, 2-year & 4-year Colleges, Universities, Community colleges Members serving 800 – 40,000 students (FTE)
7 Puget Sound 5 Eastern 2 Central 2 Southern 18 Willamette Valley Central Oregon Comm. College Central Washington University Chemeketa Community College Clark College Eastern Oregon University Eastern Washington University George Fox University Lane Community College Lewis & Clark College Linfield College Mt. Hood Community College Oregon State University Oregon Health & Science Univ. Oregon Institute of Technology Oregon State University Pacific University Portland Community College Portland State University Reed College Saint Martin’s College Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Southern Oregon University The Evergreen State College University of Oregon University of Portland University of Puget Sound University of Washington Walla Walla College Washington State University Warner Pacific College Western Oregon University Western Washington University Whitman College Willamette University Cascade Range 35 Members 220,000 student FTE
Summit Union Catalog & Borrowing 35 institutions in Oregon and Washington 9 million unique titles 28 million items 367,578 loans last year Courier Service 250 libraries served through 76 dropsites in Oregon, Washington, & Idaho 350,000 packages per year Electronic Resources 62 libraries in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Hawaii Databases, ejournals, etc. Northwest Digital Archives 31 libraries and archives in Oregon, Wash., Idaho, Montana, and Alaska EAD finding aids, union database, digital content Digital Services 34 institutions in Oregon and Washington Summit search engine, digital collections, institutional repositories, etc. Major Programs
Regional Library Services Center Cooperative Collection Development Digital Services Program Northwest Digital Archives Scholarly Communication Symposium Next Generation Systems Data Harvesting Discovery: Aquabrowser, Encore, Endeca, Local development, WorldCat Local (Univ of Wash), Primo, etc. Resource Sharing ILS Strategic Agenda “Moving to the Network Level” – April 2006 Retreat
November-March: Proposal developed in collaboration with OCLC Sheffield, UK office March 20: full day presentation and discussion with board members and technical staff, ~90 participants March 21: decision to enter into development effort with OCLC for a “consortial borrowing solution” April 14 News Release Accelerated work on resource sharing
Discovery WorldCat Group catalog on the.org platform Option for member libraries to implement WorldCat Local Delivery Virtual Document eXchange (VDX, Fretwell Downing roots) Circulation gateway (development) Group SRU target (development) Integrated solution OCLC consortial borrowing solution
Motivations Leadership opportunity Foster competition in the marketplace Cost effective Improved discovery system Cross-platform Includes important features such as Load balancing, Pick-up anywhere, Patron tracking & authentication Probable increase in resource sharing activity Potential merging of ILL and circ workflows Strong likelihood of continuous development Solution based on standards Strategic partnership with OCLC
April-August Database reconciliation projects for all members to improve accuracy and completeness of holdings in Worldcat VDX profiling Circulation gateway Group SRU target Training Late August: first iteration goes live September-December: transition! Timeline
Time Contract Technical Circulation gateway Group SRU target Transition Shut down Start up Workflow Governance and growth Planning for success Challenges
Our new slogan! …
“Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night” Bette Davis as Margo Channing All About Eve
Orbis Cascade Alliance and OCLC consortial borrowing solution John F. Helmer Executive Director ICOLC April 2008