Why is art important? In what ways can math explain art? (Helps the slides look less boring)
Why is art important? Math, how does it create good design? Where is geometry found in art?
How does art use math to create? By Cary Haycox
How art use math to create? Fibonacci’s numbers – A creative way to lay out design. Geometry – Using shapes to create composition and art itself.
Fibonicci Numbers The sequence of numbers that when put together create a pleasing shape. They are 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, and etc. Graphically represented in the golden rectangle
The Golden Rectangle Artwork of Piet Mondrian
Geometry Art uses geometry to lay out composition. Art uses triangles, rectangles, and circles to enhance the view. Geometry can be art itself.
Geometry in art
References Fibonicci Numbers Mandala art