Top Ten Ways to Fail in College April 17, 2014 Denise Aselage, Assistant Professor Amy Hartman, SinclairOnline Academic Coach/FYE Instructor
Welcome to this web presentation! Please feel free to ask questions in the Chat box or on Twitter at #nofail Top Ten Ways to Fail in College
1. Do not study or do your work Checklist for Success: Study in increments of 50 minutes No unnecessary technology devices Use “wait times” Dedicate one place to studying Work in a consistent area! Know your learning style Get a study buddy Use a planner
2. Remain computer illiterate
3. Take too heavy of a work load At two in the morning Before retiring for the night, I set about composing, This poem for to write. Days for me begin at seven, And often end way past eleven, When there’s work to be done that day, Until the morning I cannot stay. For tomorrow other tasks will wend their way, And more and more each succeeding day. Until, my body worn, and my brain grows tired Of continuous keyboard punching And hours and hours of number crunching. Then my brain says “HALT!” And halt I must, For if I don’t, my body weary Will cease to function as it should, And that will do me, and nobody, any good. Overworking Is Harmful By: Jonathan Goldman
4. Stay out of touch Why can’t I be on my own in college? How can I get more involved? What is the best way to communicate?
5. Do not attend class Why is attendance important? How many of you miss 1-3 class sessions per course per term? 4 or more? Were there consequences? If so, what were they? How many of you actually failed a course because you missed an excessive number of class sessions? Did you know that failing a class has a negative effect on your GPA and your financial aid status? Why do instructors require attendance? What is preventing you from attending class? What can you do ensure you are in class?
6. Lose your financial aid money Maintain SAP: Maintain 2.0 GPA Keep pace of completion at 67% of the hours attempted Graduate within 150% of the credit hours required to complete the program of study Accept only amount of funding you need Use money only for expenses related to school
7. Procrastinate Why do we procrastinate? Psychological problem one may have with self-handicapping Fear of failure Perfectionism Fear of success Indecisiveness Thrill seeking
8. Do not use basic classroom etiquette
9. Make excuses Dear School: Please excuse John from being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33. Please excuse Johnnie for being. It was his father's fault. Chris will not be in school because his girlfriend left him and he won't stop crying. My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired. Please excuse Joyce from P.E. for a few days. Yesterday she fell off a tree and misplaced her hip. I didn't come to school yesterday because I was feeling like I was going to be sick, but thankfully I wasn't! Al was not in school yesterday because he didn't feel like going. Do these sound familiar?
10. Neglect your health Exercise! Eat right! Sleep!
Questions? Comments? Thank you!