Albion Foundation Level 1 to Level 2 Bridging The Gap Coaching Clinic
Always look to improve your coaching
Introductions Ryan Maye: Head Of Performance Analysis & U12 Academy Coach at WBA FC Age: 30 Qualifications: UEFA A LICENCE FA Tutor To Deliver FA Level 1, 2 & Youth Module 1 BSc Sports Coaching Degree FA Youth Licence U11/U12-16 FA Youth Module 1: Developing The Environment FA Youth Module 2: Developing The Practice Previous Clubs: - Chelsea FC (2001–2004) - Glasgow Rangers FC (
“It's not one thing we do 100% better than anyone else, but 100 things we do 1% better than everyone else.”
Agenda Introductions & Ice Breaker Activity (15mins) Expectations of a Level 2 Coach Coaching Formula & Different Types of Interventions Practical Session Q&A
My greatest power in life is my power to choose. I am the final authority over me. I make me !
Coaches expectations Level 1: Assist more qualified coaches, delivering aspects of coaching sessions, normally under direct supervision Level 2: Prepare for, deliver and review coaching session(s)
They Need a Role Model
Level 2 coaches should be able to: 1. Plan coaching sessions 2. Conduct coaching sessions 3. Review coaching sessions 4. Establish an effective, fair and safe coaching environment
It ’ s good to feel part of a team
Effective Coaching Use Your Knowledge to…. Apply the Principles to…. ……the Picture The Coaching Cycle Observe See Fault Coach & Correct Recreate Play
‘Practice is rehearsal’
Interventions Observe fault or need for intervention Stop Play- How? Group or Individual -Primary ; main reason for intervention -Secondary; those directly affected as a consequence -Tertiary; those requiring minimal adjustments as a consequence of the above
The dictionary is the only place success comes before work.
Continuum Coaching Methodology CommandQuestion & Answer Observation & Feedback Guided Discovery Trial & Error Player/Coach Interventions Coach tells and shows required solution Coach leads with question to gain response from players Coach and players observe Coach asks a question or issues a challenge Players and/or coach decide on the challenge Example “I want you to...”“What do you think?” “Let’s watch this...” “Can you show me...?” “Try this for yourself...” Description Coach tells, explains and shows how to do something Coach poses question and players offer verbal solution to the challenge Coach and players observe and discuss feedback Coach challenges and players offer visual demonstration of possible solution Players are encouraged to find solutions with minimal support from coach
There is nothing that is a more certain sign of insanity than doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result Albert Einstein
Level 2 Practical Format Technical practice: Unopposed, small components,develop motor skills/co-ordination e.g driven pass Skill practice: Opposed situations, controlled environment, may involve overloads, decision making (where, when, how) e.g 3v1 Game Related Practice: 4v4, additional players as ‘floaters’, directional play, coach only one team.
Never let others determine your aspirations
Those who lack courage will always find a philosophy to justify it Albert Camus
‘In times of change the learners will inherit the earth, while the knowers will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists’ Eric Hoffer
‘whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t – you’re probably right’