Can you guess what Bible character is being described by the event that they survived. INSTRUCTIONS
I Survived the Isle of Patmos (hint: I wrote the last book of the Bible.)
I survived the destruction of my entire city… (hint: my occupation was prostitution)
I survived the jealousy of my family… (hint: I have a pretty coat.)
I survived the sword of an angel… (hint: My donkey talks)
I survived being possessed by a demon… (hint: I don’t have a name)
I survived the Pharaoh's sentence in prison… (hint: I am known by my occupation and not by my name. I had a friend that was a baker who wasn’t as fortunate as I.)
I survived the wilderness… (hint: Who are we?)
I survived a snake bite… (hint: I was a great missionary in the New Testament.)
I survived Moses’ temper tantrums… (hint: I was the second edition. Object not a person )
I survived the worst fishing experience of my life… (hint: I was the bait. )
I Survived the Isle of Patmos John the Revelator
I survived the destruction of my entire city… Rahab
I survived the jealousy of my family… Joseph
I survived the sword of an angel… Balaam
I survived being possessed by a demon… The demon possessed man
I survived the Pharaoh's sentence in prison… The Cup Bearer
I survived the wilderness… The children of Israel. (All the adults died)
I survived a snake bite… Paul
I survived Moses’ temper tantrums… The Ten Commandments
I survived the worst fishing experience of my life… Jonah
I survived being nearly sacrificed by my own dad… Isaac