Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth The Kingdom of God The Kingdom Of Heaven
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth The Kingdom of God The Kingdom Of Heaven Only Mathew: ”Kingdom of Heaven” – 33x “Kingdom of God” – 5x “Kingdom” 7x “his”, “ Father’s”, “Thy” 5x
Basic Doctrinal Division Calvinism Eternal Security Perseverance of the saints “Experimental Predestinarians ”
Basic Doctrinal Division Calvinism Eternal Security Perseverance of the saints “Experimental Predestinarians” Arminianism Only those that persevere to the end are saved
Basic Doctrinal Division Calvinism Eternal Security Perseverance of the saints “Experimental Predesti narisans” Arminianism Only those that persevere to the end are saved Overcomers Eternal Security Secure Salvation Faith Distinction Between: -Entering -Inheritance * Variation of Rewards
Concerns Highly controversial material -Call to Acts 17:11 All are not equal in Heaven -All are equal in being “Justified”: declared not guilty: - Entering the Kingdom vs. Inheriting
Review of Basics Eternal SecuritySecure Salvation Faith - The sufficiency of Christ The Paradigm of Salvation
“I have been saved.” “I am being saved,” “I will be saved.” Which of these statements is correct according to Bible doctrinal truth?
The Paradigm of Salvation Justification (Past tense) -The gift from God of everlasting life received faith alone in Christ alone (John 3:18)
The Paradigm of Salvation Justification (Past tense) -The gift from God of everlasting life received by faith alone in Christ alone (John 3:18, 5:24) Sanctification (Present tense) -A work in progress that involves the faith and the works of the believer
The Paradigm of Salvation Justification (Past tense) -The gift from God of everlasting life received by faith alone in Christ alone (John 3:18, 5:24) Sanctification (Present tense) - A work in progress that involves the faith and the works of the believer
Glorification (Future tense) - The result of the previous aspects - All believers will be glorified (resurrected and given a body like Christ), but some will have more glory (i.e. reward) than others
The Paradigm of Salvation Past Tense: Separation from the Penalty of Sin Present Tense: Separation from the Power of Sin Future Tense: Separation from the Presence of Sin
The Paradigm of Salvation Past Tense: Separation from the Penalty of Sin Present Tense: Separation from the Power of Sin Future Tense: Separation from the Presence of Sin Justification Sanctification Glorification
Justification is for us: Sanctification is in us. Justification declares the sinner righteous: Sanctification makes the sinner righteous
Justification is for us: Sanctification is in us. Justification declares the sinner righteous: Sanctification makes the sinner righteous Justification removes the guilt and penalty of sin; Sanctification removes the growth and the power of sin
Review of Basics Secure Salvation Faith -The Sufficiency of Christ The Paradigm of Salvation Paul’s Paranoia ?
What exactly was Paul’s Paranoia? What was Paul anxious about? His “Fear”
Romans 8:15-17 “….if so be that we suffer with Him….” Always take notice of the footnotes or conditions
1 Cor. 9:27 “….I myself be… a castaway” What was he referring to?
Review of Basics
Let us study Paul, my friend Phil 3: 4-14 confidence in works faith in qualifications loss of accrued gain new pursuit press for the MARK What MARK? THE PRIZE!
I Cor. 3: 5-15 individual rewards (vs 8) possibility of loss of reward (vs 15)
Review of Basics Eternal Security -The Sufficiency of Christ The Paradigm of salvation Paul’s Paranoia? - Entering vs Inheriting
Review of Basics Secure Salvation Faith -The Sufficiency of Christ The Paradigm of Salvation Paul’s Paranoia? - Entering vs Inheriting - Potential loss of inheritance