Human Capital Development Cote d’Ivoire Sidney E. Harris, Ph.D. Chairman, IUGB Foundation, U.S.A. Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow
City of Atlanta has built strong linkages across Africa Educational Institutions: Georgia State University, Georgia Tech, Atlanta University Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow
A Higher Education Partnership is Born President Touré provided the leadership for the collaboration with Georgia State University. Academic disciplines included human resources development, business, and education. Led to establishment the International University of Grand- Bassam (IUGB). Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow President Touré and former Georgia State University Provost Ron Henry
Presentation Outline Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Africa - Status of Tertiary Education Role of Private Education - Developing Economies Africa’s Challenge IUGB: A Public/Private Partnership Role of the IUGB Foundation
Africa - Status of Tertiary Education Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow African Continent million students are enrolled in higher education in African institutions out of 150 million students enrolled worldwide 700 million people in Africa represents 10% of the global population. Tertiary enrollment is the lowest in the World!
Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Higher Education - Critical to building the Human Capital that in term builds the institutions needed to create a strong society: Engineers, technologists and scientists Accountants Physicians Lawyers Teachers Sustained economic progress is impossible without it! Tertiary Education in Emerging Economies
Role of Private Education – Developing Economies Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Helping to address the inability of public universities to meet the rising student demand. Less subject to political instabilities and day to day political pressure. Less crowded and more attractive to international faculty seeking academic opportunities abroad.
Greater freedom to develop curricula that are innovative and attuned to the local market demands. More likely to be engaged in partnerships with corporation and corporate universities. Student and market oriented!!! Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Role of Private Education - Developing Economies
Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Leadership Capacity Development Global Higher Education Enrollment Growth
Africa’s Challenge: To increase Quality, Opportunity and Access Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Generate high quality, globally competitive graduates in fields needed for development. Reform existing institutions/systems and require new ones to establish good governance, transparency, accountability and high ethical standards. Increase student access through expanding enrollments and improving graduation rates.
Cote d’Ivoire must constantly expand and retain its pool of human capital to reach its goal of emerging country status by the year We applaud Government of Cote d’Ivoire for making higher education capacity building a central component of its national development strategy. Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Africa’s Challenge: To increase Quality, Opportunity and Access
IUGB’s Commitment Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Help to fill the nation’s Human Capital gap. Growing enrollment to 1200 students in 5-8 years. Offering workforce appropriate academic programs
IUGB: A Public/Private Partnership Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Strong support of the Cote d’Ivoire government Parental support through payment of tuition and fees Need to cultivate the support of the private sector and international donor community to help round out this partnership.
IUGB Foundation, U.S.A Conceived in the earliest planning stages of the University. Created specifically to help secure private support for IUGB in Cote d’Ivoire. IUGB founders realized many qualified African students would need financial assistance. Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow
Education Purpose - IUGB Foundation Raise funds from private sources to assist qualified students without the financial means to attend the International University of the Grand-Bassam. Make scholarship decisions aligned with the University’s mission and need. Assist the University’s capacity building efforts. Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow
IUGB Foundation-Achievements Registered as a nonprofit in the State of Georgia (U.S.) late Formed a six-member Board of Directors. Initiated operations in February of Received U.S. tax exempt status in December Developed policies consistent with U.S. laws and regulations
Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow IUGB Foundation-Fund Raising Strategy Approach U.S. and other international corporate foundations of companies operating in Cote d’Ivoire. Target other U.S. and international foundations that support higher education. Focus on bilateral and international donors. Solicit philanthropists, individuals, the Ivorian diaspora via letters, , face-to-face, etc. Various fundraising events.
IUGB Foundation-2014 Key Events Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow February blast to electronic mailing to introduce Foundation March 2014-First small event with Atlanta public and business leaders to promote the Foundation and gain buy- in. March 2014-Submit grant proposals to potential donors.
IUGB Foundation-2014 Key Events Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow May 2014-Support Atlanta based IUGB Alumni Network in hosting IUGB/GSU student graduation celebration. April Host small event for Atlanta Ivorian Community to brief them on Foundation and seek their support. April June Submit second round of grant proposals to potential donors. May 2014-Host second small event with Atlanta leaders.
IUGB Foundation-2014 Key Events Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow July - September 2014-Submit third round of grant proposals to potential donors. August 2014-Meeting of the Board of Directors October 2014-Fundraising Banquet in Atlanta to formally launch the IUGB Foundation. Prime Minister Duncan (founding Chair of IUGB) with Current Board Chair Kouassi, Kouame on right.
Please Join Us!!! Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow Student Internships Help your best and brightest employees obtain their degrees. Become an engaged IUGB Partner Make a contribution that helps a bright student attend the University.
Ways You Can Benefit!!! Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow English language training. Professional development programs. MBA programs for working professionals and executives
IUGB Foundation Commitment Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow The IUGB Foundation Board of Directors is fully committed to helping make IUGB an institution of distinction.
Educating Global Leaders of Tomorrow IUGB Foundation Platform Sidney E. Harris, Chairman John F. Hicks, Executive Director 191 Peachtree Street NE Suite 3300 Atlanta, Georgia Voce: Fax: Website: Address: