Life Science Discuss in your groups: Why Study Life Science? What is one thing you want to learn in life science this year?
Objectives Define dominion mandate and explain how it relates to learning about life science State and explain the two ways the fall affects the work of life science Explain how God’s work of redemption relates to the study of life science
God’s Glory in... The world of living things (Rom. 11:36) –Life science helps demonstrate God’s greatness more clearly Nature shows the intelligence and power of God –Life Science also strengthens appreciation for God’s goodness. In nature we can see God’s love in action Our work of dominion (Gen. 1:26) –Dominion Mandate (Gen. 1:28) The responsibility mankind has to govern God’s creation. We are commanded to are for creation, don’t abuse it.
God’s Glory in... Our work of dominion (Gen. 1:26) –Dominion Mandate (Gen. 1:28) The responsibility mankind has to govern God’s creation. –We are commanded to care for creation, don’t abuse it.
God Cursed Living Things Because of Sin Physical effects of the fall –Struggle for food Growing crops Raising animals –Struggle against sickness/harm Infections Genetic diseases Mental effects of the fall –Humans don’t value God as we should (Rom. 5:12)
God is Redeeming Himself to this World Relieving human suffering and proclaiming the Gospel. –Life science helps us understand what health is –Life science helps develop treatments for illnesses Reclaiming life science for God’s glory –Evolution vs. Creationism –Human life vs. Animal life