Members Luis Ayestas Jare Calderini Jose Atuan
As many other civilizations ancient Egyptians believed in life after death, when a person died the Egyptians started the process of mummification.
Step 1: Announcement of Death This first step was to let the people know that someone had died. Step 2: Embalming the Body On the second step the body would be embalmed. Step 3: Removal of Brain Now embalmers inserted a hook on the nose and pulled as much as they could.
Step 4: Removal of Internal Organs Internal Organs: the liver, the lungs, the stomach, and the intestines were removed by a small slit was made on the left side of the abdomen. Step 5: Drying Out Process The body was placed on a slab and covered with either nacron or natron salt.
Step 6: Wrapping of the Body The body was anointed with oils, and a gold peice with the Eye of Horus was placed over the slit in the abdomen. Hundreds of yards of linen were used to wrap the body, and each toe and finger was wrapped separatley. Charms, amulets, and inscribed pieces of papyrus were placed between each layer of bandage. Step 7: Final Procession The final procession was where the family and friends of the deceased walked through the town on their way to the burial place. In case of a pharaoh they put the body on a pyramid with all its treasures, with food, and other things.
The process of mummification was because of Egyptian belief in afterlife all the things on the process were because, death was only a little stop between life and the afterlife. Afterlife was a life after death that was ethernal.